CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
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13,000 still trapped in modern slavery

1 December 2014

PRESS RELEASE - A new Home Office report has revealed the staggering number of people in the UK who are still trapped by modern slavery.

Human Trafficking
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CARE welcomes Scottish Government’s planned Human Trafficking Bill

26 November 2014

PRESS RELEASE - The Scottish Government today announced its programme for Government, entitled ‘Prosperity, Fairness and Equality for Scotland’.

Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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78% favour criminalising sex buyers in NI

17 October 2014

PRESS RELEASE - Overwhelming public support – particularly among women (82%) – for Swedish approach to paying for sex in NI Human Trafficking and Exploitation Bill

Human Trafficking
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New victim focus for Modern Slavery Bill applauded by CARE

10 June 2014

PRESS RELEASE - Anti-trafficking charity CARE welcomes the publication of the long-awaited Modern Slavery Bill which, in contrast with an earlier version, has a new focus on the victims of human trafficking…

Human Trafficking
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Charity hails Justice Committee support for ground-breaking Human Trafficking Bill in Northern Ireland

20 May 2014

PRESS RELEASE - CARE welcomes the publication of today’s report by the Justice Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly in support of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Bill proposed by Lord Morrow.

Human Trafficking
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Victory on child trafficking guardians welcomed by CARE

7 April 2014

CARE welcomes the news that Peers from across all parties have voted to introduce child trafficking guardians this afternoon in an amendment to the Immigration Bill in the House of Lords.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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