CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Freedom of Speech
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News: Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech and expression are vital, democratic liberties. As Christians, we should uphold them for the benefit of all people.

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Freedom of Speech
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Poll finds broad support for free speech in politics

2 July 2024

Eight in ten people support free speech and robust debate in politics, a poll commissioned by CARE shows.

Freedom of Speech

PM warns of chilling effect” of cancel culture

8 May 2024

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has warned of the “chilling effect” of “shutting down people’s views and making people fear speaking out”, and has spoken about the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence…

Freedom of Speech
Police outside venue

Belgium police shut down conservative conference

16 April 2024

No 10 Downing Street has said a move by Belgium Police to shut down a Nat Con conference taking place in Brussels is 'extremely disturbing'.

Freedom of Speech
Praying hands girl prayer pray

Silent prayer might still be permitted outside abortion clinics

12 April 2024

Justice Minister Laura Farris has indicated that "silent prayer" near abortion clinics might still be permitted, despite recent votes in the Commons opposing such activities.

Freedom of Speech
Police officers in high-viz jackets policing a demonstration

Former Senior Judge: Hate Crime Act is unworkable’

11 April 2024

The man who was formerly Scotland's most senior judge has blasted the Scottish Government's controversial Hate Crime Act, labelling it 'unworkable'.

Freedom of Speech
JK Rowling

JK Rowling challenges Scotland’s new hate-speech law

3 April 2024

Police Scotland has announced that social media comments made by JK Rowling, in which she referred to several transgender women as men, including convicted prisoners and trans activists, will not be treated…

Microsoft Teams image 18

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech and expression are vital, democratic liberties. As Christians, we should uphold them for the benefit of all people.

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