Free Speech min

Freedom of Speech

A better story

We want to see a public square where the right of all people to speak, write and express themselves freely is upheld, including those whose views are not popular with the powerful in society.

We scrutinise government plans to ensure they do not intrude on civil liberties, and encourage politicians to appreciate the role of faith within society.

Together, we can champion freedom of speech and expression for all, including the freedom to share our Christian beliefs, and encourage respectful dialogue on every issue in life.


Douglas Murray
Douglas Murray Author and thinker
Dis­agree­ment is not oppres­sion. Argu­ment is not assault. Words – even pro­voc­at­ive or repug­nant ones – are not viol­ence. The answer to speech we do not like is more speech.

Is free speech under threat in the UK?

In this discussion, CARE's James Mildred hosts a conversation with former Chief Executive Nola Leach and Co-Founder, Rev Lyndon Bowring on the state of free speech in the UK.

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News about Freedom of Speech

  1. University 0
    University fined after limiting free speech on trans ideology

    Freedom of Speech

  1. Standard picture news kristie coa judgment group 3 720x390 1
    Kristi Higgs wins her case at Court of Appeal in free speech victory

    Freedom of Speech

  2. Shutterstock 1195740091
    Tensions between free speech and hate speech in Islamophobia Council proposal

    Freedom of Speech

  1. New APPG on free speech launched

    Freedom of Speech

  2. Govt revives free speech law for universities

    Freedom of Speech

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