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Get Involved

Leadership Programme

For 30 years, CARE has been equipping a generation to be salt and light in our culture!

Our Leadership Programme provides talented Christian graduates, who have a desire to serve the Lord in public life, the opportunity to experience a year in Parliament or a policy-shaping NGO and to receive top-quality training in theology and leadership. Graduates have gone onto become MPs, CEOs of NGOs, and even a Bishop!

This year-long graduate programme gives a unique insight into Parliament, political advocacy and Christian leadership.

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Events and training

We’d love to see you at one our upcoming events! Whether you’re after training on a particular topic, want to get to know more about what we do at CARE, or are interested in one of the amazing Christian figures we work with, there’s something here for everyone!


Take Action

We would love to work with you to help get your voice heard on the issues which matter to you!

Currently, we are encouraging supporters to particularly focus on amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill that would change abortion law in England and Wales.

But if you would like to get in touch with your MP about another subject, please use our tool to find out who your local representative is and contact them.

Request a speaker

Our amazing Church Engagement team would love to help you out! Whether it’s giving a seminar on a particular hot topic, preaching on a Sunday, or even giving talks on a church weekend, if you want us there, we’ll be there!

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Pray with us

It might sound obvious, but prayer is absolutely mission-critical for us. We know that we do not wrestle against earthly powers, but against spiritual forces, far beyond us. 

But we also know that God listens to our prayers, and that prayer is powerful.

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Sign up and preferences

We would love to stay in contact with you, and to send you whatever resources will most help you, whether electronically or in hard-copy.

If you would like to sign up for any of our emails or amend your preferences, you can do so here.

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Join the team

Interested in joining our amazing team? We can see why you would…we are pretty great to work for! Discover what vacancies are currently available here.

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CARE around the UK

It's not all about Westminster...we have teams devoted to politics in Scotland and Northern Ireland too!

Discover what we get up to around the UK and meet our representatives working on legislation specific to your region.

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CARE where you are. Follow us on Social Media.

Donate to Care

Your donation to CARE enables us to continue to work towards a culture and society reflecting a better story for everyone.

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CARE relies on your donations. It is the gifts that you give that enable us to campaign for the causes that matter, to equip MPs to speak for truth, and to engage with policy shapers to bring an informed and authentic Christian worldview.