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Assisted Suicide

A better story

All life has intrinsic value and dignity – regardless of its condition. We recognise how immensely difficult it is to suffer or to see a loved one enduring pain, but, as Christians, we are called to protect those who are vulnerable and assist people to live – not to commit suicide.

And we want to advocate for a better way: excellent palliative care, so that those approaching life's natural end can have confidence that death can be dignified and pain can be managed.

Contact your MP about assisted suicide

We are acutely concerned about Labour MP Kim Leadbeater's assisted suicide Bill in the Commons. If passed, it would allow people diagnosed with a terminal illness to get lethal drugs from a doctor, which they can use to end their life.

It is so important that MPs hear from their constituents on this issue especially as it is being rushed through in haste without much chance for debate. Please click the button below to use our email tool.

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Dame Cicely Saunders
Dame Cicely Saunders Founder of the UK hospice movement
You mat­ter because you are you, and you mat­ter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peace­fully, but also to live until you die.

More Resources

Topic Guide

Looking for a resource to give out at your church to help people understand the key issues at play around Assisted Suicide?

This guide by CARE examines the ethical, legal, and societal aspects of assisted suicide, presenting evidence, diverse perspectives, and a Christian viewpoint to inform balanced debate.

To order hard copies of the Topic Guide, please contact us at

News about Assisted Suicide

  1. Doctor and stethoscope in hand
    Controversy over Royal College of GPs ‘neutral’ stance on Assisted Suicide

    Assisted Suicide

  1. Alexander grey r6 xcs Ng0kw unsplash
    Ex MP says parliament should "have no confidence" in Bill as High Court judge clause scrapped

    Assisted Suicide

  2. Westminster m
    Assisted Suicide Committee rejects safeguard for people with Down’s Syndrome

    Assisted Suicide

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