A better story
All life has intrinsic value and dignity – regardless of its condition. We recognise how immensely difficult it is to suffer or to see a loved one enduring pain, but, as Christians, we are called to protect those who are vulnerable and assist people to live – not to commit suicide.
And we want to advocate for a better way: excellent palliative care, so that those approaching life's natural end can have confidence that death can be dignified and pain can be managed.
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You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.
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Care not Killing
CARE is a member of the Care not Killing alliance, a UK-based alliance of individuals and organisations which brings together disability and human rights groups, healthcare providers, and faith-based bodies.
The alliance seeks to promote more and better palliative care, and campaigns against the weakening of assisted suicide laws, and works in Parliament and in the courts, and with health professionals, carers, general public and media.
News about Assisted Suicide
Life-affirming message of the Paralympics should make assisted suicide unthinkable – CARE
Assisted suicide denies the idea, central to the Paralympic Games, that every human being has intrinsic dignity and value, CARE for Scotland has said.
Assisted Suicide
Health Secretary suggests UK not ready for assisted suicide
Assisted Suicide
CARE warns against "regressive" assisted suicide law in the UK
Assisted Suicide
Campaigners: assisted suicide in Scotland would lead to "unjust deaths"
MSPs have been cautioned that passing controversial legislation to permit assisted suicide in Scotland could result in “unjust deaths.”
Assisted Suicide
Scottish assisted suicide Bill fails to protect conscience rights, expert warns
Scottish assisted suicide legislation is deeply flawed in its approach to conscientious objection by medical professionals, an expert has warned.
Assisted Suicide