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Fundraising complaints

CARE is registered with the Fundraising Regulator. We are committed to methods of best practice. Supporters are at the heart of CARE and so it is important that we take complaints seriously.

If you have a complaint or concern about our fundraising, you can call our Supporter Relations Team on 020 7233 0455 or email You can also write to us at CARE, 53 Romney Street, SW1P 3RF

CARE is committed to excellent relations with its supporters. It will therefore treat complaints with sincerity. CARE will treat you respectfully and in confidence.

Mak­ing a complaint

Should a complaint be made by telephone, CARE will seek to resolve it during the call.

Complaints made by email or post will be acknowledged by receipt of it within five working days. If it takes more than five working days to respond to a complaint, CARE will ensure the complainant is kept up to date and will explain the reasons for the time taken.

CARE will seek to fully understand the complaint and will communicate with the complainant to recognise what outcome they are seeking.

Complaints will be investigated thoroughly and fairly to establish the facts of the case.

Where possible, a complaint will be investigated by someone within CARE who is independent in relation to the events complained about.

CARE will provide a clear, evidence-based decision in response to a complaint.

CARE will acknowledge where things have gone wrong and take reasonable steps to put things right, including apologising where appropriate.

Escal­at­ing a complaint

CARE hopes that you will be satisfied with the response. However, if not, you can request that we escalate the complaint to senior management. They will organise an investigation and will contact you within ten working days.

If CARE is unable to resolve a complaint, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator at