A better story
The last decade has seen a surge in young people seeking gender identity services, with an increase of over 1,400% for boys and 5,300% for girls. Some claim our bodies don't matter: what matters is how we feel inside.
The Bible tells us a different story about our bodies, our feelings, and our identity, which explains distress now and offers life and hope for the future. We want to see young people flourish, rather than pursuing changes which can have life-changing physical, emotional and mental consequences.

Our culture says: Your psychology is your sexual identity – let your body be conformed to it. The Bible says: Your body is your sexual identity – let your mind be conformed to it.
More Resources
Are you looking for help talking to young people about sex, relationships and marriage?
Lovewise is a charity which seeks to help parents, youth groups and schools by providing presentations on the subjects of marriage, sex and relationships from a Christian perspective.

News about Transgender
Shocking guidance from NHS Education for Scotland around transgender provision
NHS Scotland has told its employees, in shocking guidance, that they have a legal duty to treat transgender women (biological males) as female, even if they have facial hair.
Landmark case under way over trans access to women's changing rooms
A landmark tribunal case is currently underway in Scotland surrounding the access of transgender women to women’s changing rooms.
NHS nurse faces disciplinary action over gender comments
A Christian nurse has challenged the NHS in court after being disciplined for referring to a transgender doctor as a man.