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About Us

Our Vision

Do you long to see our country transformed?

Have you been praying that the United Kingdom might start to look more like God’s kingdom?

At CARE, our vision is simple: we want to see politics renewed and lives transformed. At its best, politics can be a force for good. In Romans 13, we read that God appoints governments and gives them responsibility. Yes, good government is God’s idea!

And when politics is working well, and our leaders seek to promote good and restrain evil, we begin to see a society where everyone flourishes as God intends them to, where injustice is challenged and where the powerless are protected.

Who we are

For more than 40 years, CARE has sought to bring truth and grace into the world of politics. 

We believe that we have a better story to tell, revealed in God’s word and modelled by Jesus himself. 

At CARE, we don’t just care about the what, but about the how. How we operate really matters to us! Here are three key principles we have:

We are for people

We are for people

We know that the areas we campaign on affect real people’s lives. Our starting point is that every human being is made “in the image of God” and “crowned with glory and honour”. We care more about people than playing politics: we support good government and good legislation, regardless of the party or candidate it came from. We care more about people than about winning arguments. And we particularly care for the vulnerable and the voiceless, who God has a special heart for.
We are for truth and grace

We are for truth and grace

As Christians, we believe that we have truth to communicate into public life, and that we have access to divine wisdom through God’s Word, the Bible. But how we do this is just as important as what we say. Jesus was himself “full of grace and truth.” Our tone matters. We want to model speaking with humility, with civility, and with generosity of spirit, in a world which has become increasingly polarised. And we want to win others over, not by shouting at them, but by gently and graciously persuading them.
We are for hope-filled solutions

We are for hope-filled solutions

We do not want to just be known by what we are against, but by what we are for. Because we have a better story to tell, we want to put forward alternative solutions, rather than just criticism when we think policies as not as good as they can be. We want to provide people with hope and life, and ultimately, we want to see everyone truly flourish as God intends them to.

Our History

Our story began back in the 1960s; it was a time of social upheaval, of secularisation and liberalisation.

In 1971, 45,000 Christians came together to make a stand in Trafalgar Square at the Nationwide Festival of Light: it was the largest gathering of Christians in UK history.

Afterwards, the hunger to impact culture for Christ remained, and a trust was set up. In 1981, Rev Lyndon Bowring became its chairman, and in 1983, it was renamed CARE: Christian Action, Research, and Education.

Our Team

Ross Hendry

Ross Hendry



Ross was appointed CEO in 2021, having formerly led the children’s charity Spurgeons. He has also worked in public policy, the voluntary sector, and a trade union. He is married to Melinda, whose book collection dominates his own.
James Mildred

James Mildred

Director of Communications and Engagement


When he’s not causing mayhem around the office, James oversees rather a lot: comms, church engagement, media, campaigns and events. As a true Scot, he’s a stranger here in London, where he lives with his far more talented wife.
Louise Davies

Louise Davies

Director of Policy and Advocacy


Lou oversees the Policy Team and is responsible for forging and cultivating relationships with Parliamentarians. She enjoys chatting with politicians (often over a cup of tea and a sticky bun) about God’s better story for society.
Philippa Taylor

Philippa Taylor

Director of the IFC


Philippa is Director of the Leadership Programme, having formerly led on policy work at CMF. She trains new generations of young Christian leaders, hoping to inspire them to enter politics. Married to Martyn, she is a keen runner.
Julia Grant

Julia Grant

Director of Philanthropy


Julia is responsible for growing CARE’s voluntary income, having previously been at Tearfund and Resurgo, where she drove growth over a ten-year period. She is married to Seb, and they have four young boys. Yes. Four boys.
Lyndon Bowring

Lyndon Bowring



Lyndon has been involved since the NFoL days in 1970, and was CARE's CEO from 1983 to 2004. He is an ordained Elim minister, has spoken at Spring Harvest and Keswick, and loves watching rugby, especially when Wales are winning!

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Your donation to CARE enables us to continue to work towards a culture and society reflecting a better story for everyone.

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CARE relies on your donations. It is the gifts that you give that enable us to campaign for the causes that matter, to equip MPs to speak for truth, and to engage with policy shapers to bring an informed and authentic Christian worldview.