CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

For what you believe
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In October last year, we celebrated CARE's 40th Anniversary at Westminster Chapel. With nearly 600 of our faithful supporters joining together to give thanks to God for all that he has done through the work of CARE and Christians accross the UK. We prayed into the future of CARE with a trust that He will continue to do so much more with the help of our supporters.

Thank you for your support, we could not do this work without you.

Bridge in Bristol

Join CARE & Graham Kendrick in Bristol for an uplifting evening of worship and prayer for our nation.

7pm on Friday 13 September at DoubleTree by Hilton, Bristol City Centre

A key focus for the evening will be to pray for our nation. In the past mighty revivals have sprung from just a handful of people gathering to plead for God’s mercy. We're reminded of William Cowper’s words ‘Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon their knees.’ Celia Bowring will lead us in a time of prayer and the evening will include ministry and worship from Graham Kendrick and musicians.

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CARE Prayer for Politics Online

Join us on Zoom Wednesday 24th July at 12:00-12:45 lunchtime

As we gather after the election, its a great opportunity to pray for all those who have been elected.

We’d love you to consider joining me and others on the CARE team to pray together in person. ‘Prayer for Politics’ – a 45-minute Zoom meeting where we’ll focus on political issues of concern, remember our leaders and intercede for God's wisdom, courage and strength for His people and those who are involved in the political life of our nation. There will be opportunities to pray in small groups, silently or out loud.

Woman praying outside

Prayer for politics Online

Join us on Zoom Tuesday 10 September at 12:00-12:45

This General Election year is a strategic time for us to intercede for His continued mercy and grace upon our nation.

We’d love you to consider joining me and others on the CARE team to pray together in person. ‘Prayer for Politics’ – a 45-minute Zoom meeting will take place every two months. We’ll focus on political issues of concern, remember our leaders and intercede for God's wisdom, courage and strength for His people and those who are involved in the political life of our nation. There will be opportunities to pray in small groups, silently or out loud.

Wesminster Chapel

CARE’s 40th Anniversary Celebration at Westminster Chapel

CARE’s 40th Anniversary Celebration at Westminster Chapel was a highlight of our year.

With nearly 600 of our faithful supporters joining together, for worship, preaching and thanksgiving being led by special guests and friends of CARE, it was a fantastic time to recognise God’s incredible goodness and provision. We want to thank you - CARE’s gospel partners - for your support. We spent time reflecting on why CARE started, marked what’s been achieved so far and shared our vision for CARE’s ongoing mission in the years to come.

If you missed the thanksgiving service, you can watch it back by clicking the button below. If you'd like to just watch the highlights video, please click here:


CARE Interview: Past, Present & Future

An online interview with CARE & Friends

Location: YouTube / Online

You can watch the interview again by clicking 'watch Again' below. Join us online, along with a number of special guests as we reflect on God’s remarkable goodness and use of CARE over four decades and look ahead to what the future may hold.

Watch Here
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Nationwide Festival of Light 50th Anniversary Film

Nationwide Festival of Light 50th Anniversary Film

It was exactly 50 years ago to the day, on Saturday 25 September, 1971, tens of thousands of people, young and old met together on London’s Trafalgar Square for the largest ever open-air gathering of Christians in British history.

We have created a 35 minute film with Lyndon, Nola and Celia reminiscing on the Nationwide Festival of Light, the birth of CARE and the future we have ahead of us to bring God's truth and transformation to our laws and culture. You can watch this special film celebrating all that God has done and is still doing in and through Christians all accross the nation.


CARE Sessions: Thank you to the hundreds of you who joined us for CARE Sessions: Designed to help you dig deeper and understand more about some of CARE's causes. You can find all of the sessions below to watch again.

“Thank you so much for another excellent interview! Learnt so much from both James and Euan. Really opens our eyes these sessions. James has such a gift of asking just the right questions and also is so gracious. Even though it's such a tough subject there was joy in partaking in such an interview. Well done! Every blessing to you all. Amazing work you are doing. Praise God!” - Supporter speaking about CARE Sessions.

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CARE Sessions: Q&A on How to Engage Effectively with your MP

Catch up on CARE Sessions! James was joined by Tom Kendall Politics Network Coordinator at UCCF: The Christian Unions. We answered your questions live on the topic of how to effectively engage with your Elected Representative.

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Little girl on laptop

CARE Sessions: Pro­tect­ing & Sup­port­ing Young People Online

Catch up on CARE Ses­sions: Pro­tect­ing & Sup­port­ing Young People Online with host James Mildred, Chairman of CARE Lyndon Bowring and CEO and Founder of Naked Truth Project Ian Henderson.

Elderly persons hands

CARE Sessions: Q&A on Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide

Catch up on CARE Sessions: James was joined by Nola Leach our now former CEO and Chris Buttenshaw, Deputy Director of Public Affairs at CARE. We answered your questions live on the topic of Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide.

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Busy street

CARE Sessions: What is Human trafficking and how do we stand against it?

Catch up on CARE Sessions: James Mildred was joined by Euan Fraser from IJM (International Justice Mission) to discuss human trafficking. What it is, the effects and what we can do as Christians to be apart of a positive change.

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adult hands holding baby's feet

CARE Sessions: The Importance of Compassionate Campaigning on Abortion

Catch up on CARE Sessions: James is joined by (now former) deputy head of Communications Naomi Marsden why as Christians we are called to speak up for both lives with compasion and empathy. We look at practical ways of doing this in the session and the impact it can have.

Baby and mother

CARE Sessions: The Importance of Compassionate Campaigning on Abortion Part ll

Catch up on CARE Sessions: A follow on from the previous session, we unpack further the importance of compassionate campaining on abortion.

Watch again
James Mildred
You can sign-up for our weekly email updates below and donate to sup­port our min­istry as well. May God bless you and keep you and thank you stand­ing with us.
James Mildred Director of Communications and Engagement

CARE's YouTube Channel

We hope you've enjoyed these online events. To find even more video content from CARE, why not subscribe to our YouTube channel?

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Your donation to CARE enables us to continue to work towards a culture and society reflecting a better story for everyone.

We only ask you to consider giving to CARE after you have considered the needs of your family and church.

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A woman sitting with a smart phone in her lap