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Assisted Suicide

Assisted Suicide: The Interviews

In recent years we have sat down with a range of people to get their expertise on Assisted Suicide, including doctors, theologians and campaigners. You can catch on some of these below.

Written by CARE

Pro­fess­or John Wyatt

John Wyatt was an NHS consultant neonatologist for over 25 years, specialising in brain injury and neonatal palliative care. He now addresses ethical, philosophical and theological challenges caused by scientific advances.

Aman­da Achtman

Amanda Achtman works to prevent euthanasia and encourage hope across Canada and beyond through her project, Dying to Meet You. She is also the Ethics Education & Cultural Engagement Lead at Canadian Physicians for Life.

Dr Gil­lian Wright

Dr Gillian Wright heads up Our Duty of Care, a group of healthcare professionals standing against the introduction of assisted suicide. She formerly worked as a palliative care doctor.
