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CARE for Scotland

CARE for Scotland - Our Vision

The CARE for Scotland Team seek to support Members of the Scottish Parliament and equip the Church in Scotland on a variety of causes.

Whether it's the value of life, championing the defence of the most vulnerable in society or standing up for fundamental freedoms, our team in Scotland is making a difference.

We're passionate about equipping people across Scotland to be salt and light in the political process. Whether it's signing a petition, responding to a consultation or contacting your MSPs, we're here to help you do so effectively. Please do join us by praying for the 129 MSPs, Scottish Government Ministers, opposition parties, Committee Chairs and Members, that the Scottish Parliament would be a place where great good is done for Scotland.

Because of the kingdom of God, we are persuading society to be:

  • Free from the slavery of prostitution
  • Human rather than robotic
  • Providing consistent and quality palliative care
  • Free to express faith
  • Safe online

To help these values flourish in our society we help local churches and Christians engage Scottish society in the following ways:

Lobbying – when we see any of our values mentioned above at risk, we provide resources, wisdom and advice to help you and your church speak to the Scottish and UK Governments with grace and truth.

Training – our Leadership Programme takes a small number of Scottish graduates from churches and places them with MSPs/NGOs to prepare them to be first class policy makers.

Resourcing – we are helping churches to frame the political issues of the day in a biblical and prayerful manner. We offer churches support and materials to navigate election time in a Christianly effective way that enriches their communities.

Meet the team

Stuart Weir

Stuart Weir is our National Director in Scotland. He's been working for CARE since 2013 and in his role, he builds relationships with churches and church leaders especially. He's an experienced speaker and writer, appearing in the Scotsman on a regular basis.

If you'd like to contact Stuart, you can do so by emailing him at:

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Michael Veitch

Michael Veitch is our Parliamentary Officer in Scotland. He spends time meeting MSPs, both at the Scottish Parliament and across Scotland. He advises on different campaigns, prepares policy briefings, speaking notes and speaks out in the media as well. Prior to this, Michael was in church leadership and has also served as a local councillor and a policy researcher.

You can contact Michael by emailing him:

Stuart Weir
Stuart Weir Head of CARE for Scotland
People of faith are not second-class cit­izens and our per­spect­ives should be val­ued irre­spect­ive of wheth­er oth­ers under­stand or agree with our worldview

Do you get our [IN]FORM Resource?

Our IN[FORM] Resource is a quarterly pack which focuses on some of CARE's causes. You'll find prayer points, campaign updates, and biblical notes for why we do what we do.

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CARE for Scotland Facebook Group

You can also connect with CARE for Scotland by joining the Facebook Group. You'll find posts about our activities in Scotland and a brilliant blend of information, education and inspiration!

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Donate to Care

Your donation to CARE enables us to continue to work towards a culture and society reflecting a better story for everyone.

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CARE relies on your donations. It is the gifts that you give that enable us to campaign for the causes that matter, to equip MPs to speak for truth, and to engage with policy shapers to bring an informed and authentic Christian worldview.