CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
Woman with her head bowed

2021 UK Annual Report shows rise in child trafficking victims

26 November 2021

The UK’s Annual Report on Modern Slavery has been published. It covers key developments across the UK in modern slavery from October 2020 to end of September 2021.

Human Trafficking
Holly Lynch MP

Borders Bill would tear up Modern Slavery Act’, Govt warned

23 November 2021

Immigration proposals currently making their way through Westminster would ‘effectively tear up the Modern Slavery Act’ letting down victims of modern slavery and human trafficking, the government has heard.

Human Trafficking
Lauren and Bex before Justice Committee

Give human trafficking victims long-term support CARE NI tells Justice Committee

12 November 2021

Members of the CARE NI team gave evidence yesterday to the Justice Committee at the Northern Ireland Assembly on the importance of long-term support for modern slavery victims.

Human Trafficking
Car wash modern slavery 6

Concerns Raised Over Impact of Govt’s Immigration Reforms on Modern Slavery Victims

9 November 2021

The UK Government has come under fire for aspects of its Nationality and Borders Bill, which could cut support available to victims of modern slavery.

Human Trafficking
PA Trafficking 0 2a

Anti-slavery Tsar: Nationality and Borders Bill threatens modern slavery victims’

8 November 2021

The UK’s Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner has hit out at government immigration proposals that could frustrate efforts to help modern slavery victims.

Human Trafficking
Stormont MS event

Call for greater victim support after Stormont modern slavery event

2 November 2021

On Monday, the UK’s Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Dame Sara Thornton, set out her priorities for victims of modern slavery and human trafficking at the Northern Ireland Assembly.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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