CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Concerns Raised Over Impact of Govt’s Immigration Reforms on Modern Slavery Victims

Human Trafficking
9 November 2021
Car wash modern slavery 6

The UK Government has come under fire for aspects of its Nationality and Borders Bill, which could cut support available to victims of modern slavery.

In July this year, the Home Secretary Priti Patel introduced the Bill which primarily aims to change immigration rules across the UK.

Some of the clauses in the Bill relate to modern slavery and during Second Reading, CARE worked with MPs on raising concerns about the proposed changes.

After passing Second Reading, the Bill moved to Committee Stage which has only just finished.

Several key amendments were tabled with CARE’s support and during one of the Committee hearings, the Labour front bench spoke in favour of them. Holly Lynch MP said:

“We share the concerns of Christian Action, Research, and Education, or CARE, which has worked with us on amendment 4, that clauses 52 and 53 have the potential, if they remain unamended, to “make matters worse for victims”.
Holly Lynch MP

What’s the problem?

Broadly speaking, the proposed Bill will make life harder for genuine victims of modern slavery. The support on offer in the legislation for confirmed victims in England and Wales also falls short of what’s needed.

CARE is supporting Lord McColl’s Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill in the House of Lords which would ensure victims had at least 12 months support.

This would include housing, financial assistance, leave to remain and advice as well.

What hap­pens next?

The Bill moves to Report Stage where MPs will have the chance to vote on amendments to the legislation. CARE is planning an email writing campaign to build support for a key amendment which will help protect genuine victims.

Find out more

To find out more about the challenges posed by the Bill to modern slavery victims, read our dedicated briefing.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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