CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
Human trafficking 1 4

Human Trafficking Bill must be strengthened

2 March 2015

PRESS RELEASE - A leading coalition of anti-trafficking charities will call on the Scottish Government to significantly strengthen the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Bill to ensure it is truly effective.

Human Trafficking
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Modern Slavery Bill latest: Some improvements but victim support guarantee rejected

26 February 2015

During the final day of the Report Stage debate yesterday (25 February) the House of Lords passed amendments to strengthen the powers and authority of child trafficking advocates and provide rights for…

Human Trafficking
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Louise Gleich speaks to Premier Christian Radio about supporting victims of human trafficking

25 February 2015

CARE's Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Policy Officer Louise Gleich spoke to Premier Christian Radio about the need to provide victims of human trafficking with guaranteed support.

Human Trafficking
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Modern Slavery Bill still selling victims short

25 February 2015

PRESS RELEASE: Victims of human trafficking across England and Wales are in danger of missing out on the rights currently enjoyed by those in Northern Ireland, according to leading anti-trafficking charity CARE.

Human Trafficking
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Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner strengthened

24 February 2015

Changes made to the Modern Slavery Bill yesterday mean a stronger role for the new Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner.

Human Trafficking
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Government plans to make Modern Slavery Bill better for victims

17 February 2015

Encouraging news announced today (17 February) that the Government will be making changes to the Modern Slavery Bill to improve protection for victims.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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