CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
World TIP Day Illustration EN 5

UN marks 2nd World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

29 July 2015

On 30 July all over the world people are marking the UN’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons sending a message of hope to the millions of victims exploited for profit.

Human Trafficking
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New report says victims leaving safe houses are at risk

15 July 2015

A report published this week by the Human Trafficking Foundation (HTF) warns of serious risks that victims leaving government funded safe houses will face further exploitation and hardship.

Human Trafficking
Lord Morrow Demand event 7

Criminalisation of the purchase of sexual services celebrated at the Northern Ireland Assembly

5 June 2015

On Monday, the purchase of sexual services became a criminal offence in Northern Ireland. To mark the occasion, MLAs from across the political parties and a wide array of NGOs were invited…

Human Trafficking
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Exploitation not immigration

14 May 2015

Recently, a lot of attention has understandably been given to the plight of the thousands of people attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. Many are fleeing poverty and war,…

Human Trafficking
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Scottish Parliament supports Human Trafficking Bill

12 May 2015

MSPs today gave their support to the Scottish Government’s Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill during the Stage 1 debate.

Human Trafficking
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Prostitution — We don’t buy it!

22 April 2015

Today, Dublin saw the launch of the first all-island campaign asking men and boys in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland to take a stand against prostitution and human trafficking.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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