CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
Rehabiitation 0 4

MSPs pass landmark human trafficking laws

1 October 2015

MSPs today voted through the Scottish Government’s landmark Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill providing tough new sentences for perpetrators and support for victims.

Human Trafficking
Gordon ECPAT UK petition 0

6,000 strong Child Trafficking petition handed to MSPs today

1 October 2015

More than 6,000 people signed a petition set up and supported by CARE for Scotland, ECPAT-UK and Walkfree, three anti-trafficking charities who want to improve support for child victims of trafficking.

Human Trafficking
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Government must clarify commitment to research sex-buying ban

30 September 2015

Scottish Government proposals to commission research into banning the purchase of sex in Scotland must be clarified, leading anti-trafficking charity CARE for Scotland said today.

Human Trafficking
Flickr Thomas Simon Silhouette of girls walking street 2 2

Prostitution consultation deeply misguided

8 September 2015

A consultation calling for prostitution to be decriminalised has been slammed by anti-trafficking charity CARE for Scotland.

Human Trafficking
Boy staring into distance Gratisography 0 3

Scotland must do more in child trafficking fight

6 August 2015

A coalition of anti-trafficking charities today (Thursday August 6) will launch a new campaign calling on the Scottish Government to do more to help trafficked and exploited children.

Human Trafficking
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Crucial new anti-slavery powers come into force

31 July 2015

Key parts of the UK government’s landmark modern slavery legislation come into force across England and Wales today meaning offenders will face much tougher sentences when caught.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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