CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
Boy staring into distance Gratisography 2 8

Minister urged to prioritise Independent Guardians as investigation reveals missing children in Northern Ireland

1 June 2016

A BBC Spotlight investigation has discovered that eight separated migrant children have gone missing in Northern Ireland while in the care of the authorities.

Human Trafficking
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Gordon Macdonald quoted in the National newspaper

31 May 2016

CARE for Scotland's policy officer Dr Gordon Macdonald was quoted in the National newspaper in Scotland. He was welcoming the commencement of new powers in Scotland to help tackle modern slavery. Dr…

Human Trafficking
Flickr Erin O Neal Hopelessness 0 nz

New report shows global increase in modern slavery

31 May 2016

The latest global slavery index has been published and reveals nearly 46 million people are thought to be trapped in modern slavery around the globe.

Human Trafficking
Police watching 0

New anti-trafficking powers come into force in Scotland

30 May 2016

Key parts of the Scottish Government’s Human Trafficking and Exploitation Act come into force today (Tuesday, May 31).

Human Trafficking
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Traffickers are exploiting refugee crisis in Europe says new report

20 May 2016

A new report from the European Commission has warned that there is strong evidence of criminal networks taking advantage of the current refugee crisis in Europe to target and exploit the most…

Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Rehabiitation 1 7

European Parliament urges greater action to prevent and combat human trafficking

12 May 2016

Members of the European Parliament today urged national governments and the European Commission to do more to support victims of human trafficking and to prevent future exploitation.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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