CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
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MP calls on Government to help victims of trafficking access assistance via the jobcentre

16 December 2016

This week during Prime Minister’s Questions Heidi Allen MP urged the Prime Minister to help victims of trafficking get access to benefits and assistance once they leave the 45 day reflection and…

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Louise Gleich quoted on Christian Today on Urgency for Government to Act on helping child victims of trafficking

15 November 2016

Louise Gleich, our Senior Policy Officer on Human Trafficking responds to a new report that found that more than a quarter of trafficked children went missing from care last year.

Human Trafficking
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More than a quarter of trafficked children went missing from care last year

15 November 2016

A new report from the charities ECPAT UK and Missing People has revealed high numbers of trafficked children are still going missing from local authority care – and many have never been…

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CPS Failed Child Trafficking Victim

4 November 2016

A teenage victim of human trafficking has had her conviction overturned today.

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Coercion in pornography raised in Parliament

3 November 2016

This week, during the final day of the House of Commons Committee debate on the Digital Economy Bill the issue of coercion and trafficking of “performers” in pornographic films was raised.

Human Trafficking
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Modern Slavery Act falls short of victim protections offered in rest of UK

20 October 2016

New analysis by the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group (ATMG) of charities has said the “Modern Slavery Act is, in a number of areas, weaker than its counterparts” in Scotland and Northern Ireland when…


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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