CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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SNP Vote in Favour of Criminalising the Purchase of Sex

17 March 2017

CARE for Scotland welcomes the move today by the SNP to endorse the Nordic approach to prostitution by criminalising the purchase of sex. The motion was proposed by Ash Denham MSP and…

Human Trafficking
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Concern for victims of trafficking raised in debate on homelessness bill

24 February 2017

During a debate on the Homelessness Reduction Bill in the House of Lords today Baroness Butler-Sloss highlighted the plight of victims of trafficking who end up on the streets at the end…

Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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New Research indicates Scotland should act on Prostitution

24 February 2017

Research published today by the Scottish Government highlights the harm that prostitution causes and recognises that Sweden has had significant success in tackling prostitution by criminalising the purchase of sex.

Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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Mark Baillie speaks to Belfast Newsletter: Others must follow NI lead on sex laws’

16 February 2017

Mark Baillie, CARE's Northern Ireland Policy Officer spoke to the Belfast Newsletter about how the Republic of Ireland has followed Northern Irelands' lead in passing a bill to make it illegal for…

Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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Scotland Could Become Sex-Tourism’ Destination

15 February 2017

In a landmark decision, the Republic of Ireland has followed Northern Ireland’s example by passing a law that criminalises the purchase of sex.

Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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NI Legislation Leads the Way in Fighting Human Trafficking

15 February 2017

ROI passes law criminalising purchase of sex, heavily influenced by NI laws last night In a landmark decision, the Republic of Ireland has followed Northern Ireland’s example by passing a law which…


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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