CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
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Legislation proposed to increase support for victims of modern day slavery

27 June 2017

Yesterday in the House of Lords, a Bill was introduced which aims to improve the support available for adult victims of modern day slavery.

Human Trafficking
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New Scottish initiative puts significant pressure on Government to increase support for trafficking victims

20 June 2017

Scotland’s doubling of support for victims of trafficking puts significant pressure on Westminster to increase the support it currently gives to trafficking victims in England and Wales.

Human Trafficking
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Scotland doubles support for victims of trafficking

16 June 2017

Michael Matheson, Scotland's Justice Secretary, announced this week that the Scottish Government will be increasing the minimum period of support for adult victims of trafficking from 45 days to 90 days.

Human Trafficking
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MPs Report Warns Urgent Reform is Needed as Insufficient Support is Leaving Human Trafficking Victims Destitute and their Traffickers Unpunished

2 May 2017

In a report published on Sunday, MPs on the Work and Pensions Committee have described ‘inexcusable’ failures in the system which leaves many victims destitute and see their traffickers go unpunished.

Human Trafficking
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CARE speaks to Christian Today urging next government to increase support for victims of human trafficking

2 May 2017

CARE's Senior Policy Officer Louise Gleich was quoted on Christian Today, urging the next government to make increasing support for victims of human trafficking a priority.

Human Trafficking
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Home Secretary promises to improve trafficking victims’ access to support

13 April 2017

CARE welcomes the statement made today by the Home Secretary Amber Rudd MP, that the Government will take action to improve the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) through which victims of human trafficking…


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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