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Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
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Court of Appeal Ruling Means More Victims of Trafficking May Be Able to Stay in the UK

23 February 2018

Victims of trafficking may be able to stay in the UK for longer following a recent Court of Appeal ruling.

Human Trafficking
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We Can End Brutal Cycle that Leaves Modern Slavery Victims Homeless and Their Traffickers Unpunished

19 February 2018

Over 550 MPs have already been contacted by the public to urge them to support the Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill and to put pressure on the government to give the Bill…

Human Trafficking

Evening Standard Report Endorses Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill

30 January 2018

An expert panel drawn together by the Evening Standard and Independent has today published a report urging the Government to do improve the long term support for victims of human trafficking.

Human Trafficking
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Free for Good — The UK’s Campaign for The Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill is Launched

25 January 2018

Charities, business representatives and parliamentarians gathered in Parliament yesterday for the launch of Free for Good - the UK’s campaign for The Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill. Last year, a highly critical…

Human Trafficking
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Government Rejects MPs Call for 12 Months Support for Victims of Trafficking

18 December 2017

In April, MPs on the Work and Pensions Select Committee published a report calling on the Government to do more to help victims of trafficking over a longer period of time. Today…

Human Trafficking
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Government announces proposals to address support for victims

26 October 2017

During a debate this afternoon in the House of Commons, the Minister for Crime, Safeguarding and Vulnerability, Sarah Newton MP, announced Government proposals for improving the support offered to victims of modern…


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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