CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
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Support for child victims of trafficking on cliff edge”

9 November 2018

This week the Home Affairs Select Committee continued its inquiry on modern slavery, hearing from experts who highlighted startling gaps in support for child victims of trafficking.

Human Trafficking
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MPs hear how modern slavery victims are let down by Govt

26 October 2018

This week MPs heard evidence from charities CARE works with via the Free for Good campaign and former Anti-Slavery Commissioner Kevin Hyland on how the current system was letting down victims of…

Human Trafficking
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CARE calls for a week of prayer to mark Anti-Slavery Day

19 October 2018

Christian charity CARE is today (Thursday October 18) calling for the church to commemorate Anti-Slavery Day 2018 by dedicating time both this week and especially this coming Sunday to pray for victims…

Human Trafficking
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Modern Slavery: where do we go from here?

15 October 2018

Three years ago new legislation was passed across the UK to strengthen efforts to combat human trafficking and exploitation. This Anti-Slavery Day we take a look back at what has been achieved…

Human Trafficking
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MPs show support for Lord McColl’s Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill

10 October 2018

In a wide-ranging Westminster Hall debate last night on tackling modern slavery, MPs from across the House voiced concern that victims of modern slavery were being left destitute because of a lack…

Human Trafficking
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Government urged to back Bill to end brutal re-trafficking cycle

9 October 2018

In a major debate on modern slavery taking place at Westminster today, MPs will call on the Government to throw its full backing behind new legislation that will massively improve levels of…


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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