CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
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Child victims of trafficking still going missing at an alarming rate

21 December 2018

CARE has been concerned for some time over the high numbers of trafficked children that are reported missing from care, and a new report published this week has highlighted the extent of…

Human Trafficking
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Home Secretary rejects new recommendations for Anti-Slavery Commissioner role

21 December 2018

A new report published by the panel set up to review the Modern Slavery Act has had its key recommendations rejected by Home Secretary Sajid Javid.

Human Trafficking
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Role of victim support crucial to prosecuting modern slavery successfully

7 December 2018

A new report has found that we cannot effectively address trafficking nor convict traffickers if we do not look after the victims.

Human Trafficking
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WATCH: Govt urged to back vital modern slavery victims Bill

23 November 2018

In a new video Lord McColl of Dulwich, the Peer behind the Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill argues that current modern slavery laws provide inadequate protection for victims. He also explains why…

Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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Criminalising the purchase of sex will help end human trafficking

16 November 2018

A new report has found that criminalising the purchase of sex is the most effective way to end demand and effectively tackle human trafficking.

Human Trafficking
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BBC drama highlights reality of modern slavery in the UK

9 November 2018

The grim reality of trafficking for sexual exploitation was shown in the powerful drama ‘Doing Money’ broadcast on BBC 2 this week.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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