CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
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New Anti-Slavery Commissioner announced

22 February 2019

The Government today announced that the new Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner will be Sara Thornton, a former chief constable at Thames Valley Police.

Human Trafficking
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The Sun backs Lord McColl’s modern slavery Bill in new campaign

20 February 2019

This week The Sun newspaper launched a new campaign called: ‘Stamp Out Slavery’ to raise awareness of the crime and to call on the Government to back Lord McColl’s Modern Slavery (Victim…

Human Trafficking
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Home Office criticised for not recruiting experts to assess modern slavery claims

20 February 2019

The Home Office has come under fire over adverts for temporary staff to make crucial decisions in modern slavery cases.

Human Trafficking
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BBC investigation highlights trafficking victims getting stuck in limbo’ waiting for assessment

22 January 2019

A BBC Radio 4 investigation has highlighted the long delays facing many victims of modern slavery and human trafficking as they wait for government officials to confirm their status.

Human Trafficking
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Legal experts call for greater support for victims

18 January 2019

The Home Affairs Committee of MPs heard evidence from lawyers, prosecutors and police representatives this week highlighting the challenges in supporting victims in the criminal justice system.

Human Trafficking
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Former US anti-trafficking Ambassador: UK can improve support for modern slavery victims

4 January 2019

The former US anti-trafficking Ambassador under Barack Obama, Luis C.deBaca, has called on the Government to improve the level of support for victims of modern slavery in England and Wales.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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