CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
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Government stall at providing modern slavery victims with greater support

28 March 2019

MPs from across the House used a Westminster Hall debate to push for further support in law for victims of modern slavery. Tabled by the Rt Hon. Iain Duncan Smith MP, he…

Human Trafficking
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Police response to modern slavery victims obstructing prosecution of traffickers

25 March 2019

“The officer said they wanted to see someone shackled to the wall, not someone who could’ve opened a door and left.” – Hestia keyworker.

Human Trafficking
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Time to extend child trafficking advocates scheme

22 March 2019

It’s time for the Government to extend the roll out of independent child trafficking advocates across the whole of England and Wales, a new report published this week has said.

Human Trafficking
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Big surge in modern slavery cases highlights importance of improving victim support

20 March 2019

The number of potential victims of modern slavery has risen again, this time to nearly 7,000, an 80% rise in just two years.

Human Trafficking
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Anti-slavery coalition urge PM: give victims more support

14 March 2019

Today, CARE joined with partner organisations in the Free for Good campaign and other anti-slavery groups to hand in petitions to the Home Office and No 10 Downing Street, asking the Government…

Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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France and Sweden announce new global policy urging countries to criminalise the purchase of sex

12 March 2019

France and Sweden have launched a new common strategy for combatting human trafficking for sexual exploitation in Europe and globally, which specifically calls on other countries to criminalise the purchase of sex.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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