CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
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CARE Helps Secure Protections for Trafficked Victims Post-Brexit

22 October 2020

The Government has promised that from 1 January, all confirmed victims of modern slavery from EU countries will be automatically considered for Discretionary Leave to Remain.

Human Trafficking
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Anti-Slavery Amendment to Immigration Bill Fails To Pass

20 October 2020

Over recent week, CARE has been working with Peers and MPs on amendments to the Immigration and Social Security Bill. We have concerns about the impact of the bill on confirmed victims…

Human Trafficking
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CARE Joins Calls For Govt To Support Modern Slavery Victims

19 October 2020

The Sunday Times published a letter from a coalition of anti-trafficking charities, signed by CEO's and CARE's Nola Leach was among them.

Human Trafficking

Boris Johnson Promises To Respect Needs of Modern Slavery Victims

15 October 2020

Boris Johnson has promised to respect and uphold the rights of human trafficking victims.

Human Trafficking
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Peers vote 312 – 211 for Amendment To Protect Rights of Victims Post-Brexit

7 October 2020

Yesterday in the House of Lords, Peers voted 312-211 in favour of Lord McColl’s amendment which aims to safeguard the rights of victims in a post-Brexit Britain.

Human Trafficking
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Peer fights to protect modern slavery victims after Brexit

1 October 2020

As immigration rules change following Brexit, Peers are holding the Government to account to ensure they protect victims of modern slavery and help them to recover.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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