CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Freedom of Speech
Praying hands girl prayer pray

Silent prayer might still be permitted outside abortion clinics

12 April 2024

Justice Minister Laura Farris has indicated that "silent prayer" near abortion clinics might still be permitted, despite recent votes in the Commons opposing such activities.

Assisted Suicide
Empty wheelchair by hospital sofa

Scottish assisted suicide plans are a threat to disabled people, say campaigners

11 April 2024

Campaign groups have raised their concerns with MSPs over a new proposed Bill on assisted suicide in Scotland, suggesting it poses a significant threat to disabled individuals.

Freedom of Speech
Police officers in high-viz jackets policing a demonstration

Former Senior Judge: Hate Crime Act is unworkable’

11 April 2024

The man who was formerly Scotland's most senior judge has blasted the Scottish Government's controversial Hate Crime Act, labelling it 'unworkable'.

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Cass Review highlights shocking failures in gender identity services

11 April 2024

The Final Report into NHS’s England’s gender identity services has been published. It is a devastating and at times damning report which clearly shows that ideology has been allowed to take precedence…

Scan 2g

Over half of the British public oppose MPs plans to decriminalise abortion

8 April 2024

In a recent survey, more than half of the British public have expressed opposition to proposals in Parliament that could see the decriminalisation of abortion.

Trans girl

Teachers go against government advice and allow children to change gender

5 April 2024

Primary school teachers have been allowing children to change gender without informing their parents, against government advice, according to the largest survey conducted so far.

News from all causes

Abortion Online Safety Gambling Marriage and Family Commercial Sexual Exploitation Assisted Suicide Human Trafficking Religious Liberty Technology, Robotics, and AI Freedom of Speech Transgender

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