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Where is the positive vision for ageing?


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  1. Pregnant mother and doctor 3
    Number of abortions at highest since the introduction of the Abortion Act


  2. Trans girl
    Pause on puberty blockers for Scottish children welcome and overdue - CARE for Scotland


  1. Belgium police shut down conservative conference

    Freedom of Speech

  1. Latop in the dark with lid half closed
    Creating a 'deepfake' sexual image should be an offence, CARE says


  1. Police officers in high-viz jackets policing a demonstration
    Former Senior Judge: Hate Crime Act is 'unworkable'

    Freedom of Speech

  1. Shutterstock 1452101912 1 min
    Cass Review highlights shocking failures in gender identity services


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    Over half of the British public oppose MPs plans to decriminalise abortion


  3. Trans girl
    Teachers go against government advice and allow children to change gender


  1. Carer hands holding frail palliative care care home nursing
    Commentator: assisted suicide would be a 'healthy development'

    Assisted Suicide

  2. Nicola Sturgeon Gov Scot site photo
    Nicola Sturgeon: I'm veering against voting for assisted suicide

    Assisted Suicide

  3. JK Rowling
    JK Rowling challenges Scotland’s new hate-speech law

    Freedom of Speech