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Press release: Dangerous 'pills-by-post' abortion scheme must end

13 June 2023
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A controversial ‘pills-by-post’ abortion scheme introduced during the pandemic is harming women and must be revoked, CARE has said.

The rules, which allow access to abortion pills via telemedicine, make it hard to determine gestation and spot the signs of coercion.

Carla Foster was jailed after she illegally obtained pills and induced an abortion around 8 months into pregnancy, beyond the legal limit.

The case has led to calls for the total decriminalisation of abortion but CARE has urged politicians not to “cave to extreme demands”.

Louise Davies MBE, Director of Policy and Advocacy at CARE, commented:

“This tragic case underlines the dangers of the ‘pills-by-post’ scheme introduced during the pandemic, and still in force today. Hundreds of doctors and charities including CARE warned that the approach makes it hard to determine gestation and spot the signs of coercion. This dangerous scheme must be revoked now.

“We recognise the emotional trauma and difficulty Ms Foster was facing. The government and healthcare providers should have been supporting mothers in her position, ensuring that they had access – even in a pandemic – to proper information and support so that abortion was not seen as the only option.

“It is disturbing that some groups and individuals are using Carla Foster’s case – involving the traumatic death of a baby at 8 months gestation – to further a campaign for more permissive abortion laws. They claim that current laws, which at least offer some protection to unborn babies and mothers, are ‘archaic’.

“We would strongly disagree with this claim. The different nations of the UK already have some of the most liberal abortion laws anywhere in the world. Prosecutions for illegal abortions are vanishingly rare. The current law does, at least, still provide some legal protection for women and preborn babies.

“Campaigners want abortion for any reason, up to birth. Such a regime would lead to even more abortions when we are already seeing record numbers. We urge politicians not to cave to extreme demands, and instead work towards a society where both mothers and babies are cherished and protected.”


Notes for editors:

Christian Action Research and Education (CARE) provides analysis of social policy from a Christian perspective. For more information, or to request an interview with a CARE policy expert, contact:

More information:

600 medics call for end to home abortion scheme | CARE
Two women die after Government approve DIY at-home abortions | CARE
CARE decries record number of abortions in England and Wales | CARE

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In any pregnancy, both the woman and preborn baby have inherent value and dignity, by virtue of being made in the image of God. CARE is passionately pro-woman and pro-life.

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