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A Better Story

In any pregnancy, both the woman and preborn baby have inherent value and dignity, by virtue of being made in the image of God. CARE is passionately pro-woman and pro-life. 

We believe there is a better way than abortion – a way that truly supports women in unplanned pregnancies, defends those who are vulnerable and have no voice, and is life-giving to preborn babies. 

We strive to tell that story and uphold the value of life, resisting attempts to liberalise the law and supporting women who have undergone an abortion or experienced miscarriage.


Carla Lockhart
Carla Lockhart MP for Upper Bann
I want a soci­ety in North­ern Ire­land that val­ues life, and I want to see ser­vices that will help women choose life. We want to see a peri­nat­al pal­li­at­ive care centre, a mater­nal men­tal health unit and bet­ter child­care ser­vices, and that is my ask of this Gov­ern­ment. Help us cre­ate a cul­ture of choos­ing life

OPEN: A pastoral response to abortion

OPEN is an initiative of CARE. It aims to create an environment within churches where unintended pregnancy, post-abortion concerns, and pain around miscarriage can be shared with grace and compassionate understanding.

Open video intro

News about Abortion

  1. Abortion Top Image min
    Fresh bid to 'decriminalise' abortion


  1. Woman looking out of window
    Scottish residents could be penalised for displaying pro life posters in own homes


  2. Bible outside prayer buffer zone
    Silent prayer outside abortion clinics to be banned next month


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