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10 resources you should know about abortion

Want to engage in a loving and logical manner on the issue of abortion? Keen to equip yourself better in understanding the pro-life/pro-choice debate? Here are ten resources that will help you.

Written by James Mildred

1. 'Matters of life and Death', John Wyatt

This book
by Dr John Wyatt, Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics at University College London, explores a range of ethical dilemmas from a Christian perspective, including beginning and end of life issues.

John writes out of a deep conviction that "The Bible's view of our humanness points a way forward", and he suggests how medical professionals, churches and individuals can respond to these ethical challenges. You can also find more articles and talks on John's website.

2. 'Love unleashes life', Stephanie Gray

Stephanie Gray is a prolific speaker and communicator, who tours the globe giving inspiring, moving and intellectually robust presentations on the pro-life perspective. She has participated in numerous debates on college campuses and public platforms. In this book, she offers a fresh approach to pro-life apologetics, seeking to engage people's hearts on the issue of abortion — not just their minds.

I’d also recommend her blog where she shares her thoughts on numerous issues related to the abortion debate and human dignity more generally.

3. Finishing Line

CARE partnered with John Wyatt and Keswick Ministries to produce this resource for study groups on the issue of assisted suicide and euthanasia from a Christian perspective.

It includes an audio-visual presentation and a printed study guide, with discussion questions and prayer points. The course covers what it means to be human, euthanasia and assisted suicide, medical and palliative care, and how to die well and faithfully.

4. 'Abortion: From Controversy to Civility', Stephanie Gray

Several years ago Stephanie Gray was invited to speak at Google about abortion and her talk went viral. In this video, she uses the socratic method and storytelling to talk about abortion, inviting the audience to be 'pro-conversation' on a divisive and controversial topic.

This is a must-watch for those seeking to engage graciously on the topic of abortion, particularly when facing those who may disagree with the pro-life perspective.

5. 'The Case for Life', Scott Klussendorf

Scott Klussendorf is a seasoned pro-life advocate and debater, and director of the Life Training Institute in the US. This book offers a robust intellectual foundation for the pro-life viewpoint. It's a particularly helpful book for getting to the heart of the debate, and showing how the issue of abortion is not as morally complex as it is often portrayed to be.

I would also recommend this Crossway podcast with Scott, where he tackles common arguments that are made against the pro-life position, responds to common pro-choice slogans, and discusses the state of the pro-life movement in the US.

6. 'Subverted: How I helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women's Movement', Sue Ellen Browder

This is a fascinating read by Sue Ellen Browder, a journalist and former writer for Cosmopolitan during its heyday in the 60s and 70s so-called 'sexual revolution'.

Part journalistic investigation, part memoir, this book is a very readable account of the way the sexual revolution hijacked the feminist movement in the US, rendering the feminist cause largely about dismantling the family unit. Little known to many is that it was Larry Nader, a man heavily influenced by eugenic ideals, who sought to influence Betty Friedan, leader of the women's movement, to take up the mantle of abortion. Once it had been inculcated into the women's movement and the media, the concept of abortion as a central tenet of women's rights had been firmly entrenched — offering some explanation for why this view is so popular today.

7. What’s My Pro-Life Line?

This is a really helpful website that offers very brief lines that you can use to respond to common pro-choice arguments. It's a useful resource to memorise basic answers you can give when in a debate or conversation about abortion.

8. 'Talking Points: Abortion', Vaughan Roberts and Lizzie Ling

This is a quick read by Vaughan Roberts and Dr Lizzie Ling. It offers a very useful overview of the abortion debate from a Christian perspective, and equips Christians to speak compassionately and wisely on the issue of abortion.

9. 'The case for and against assisted dying', The Economist Open Future

As part of their Open Future initiative, The Economist asked proponents and opponents of assisted suicide to write for them. This is a fascinating series of essays from both sides of the debate, written by doctors, lobby groups, and even atheists opposed to the idea of assisted suicide.

CARE's Comms Manager, James Mildred, wrote the essay 'The Slippery Slope of Assisted Dying is Real'.

10. Desiring God: Abortion resources

Desiring God has numerous articles exploring the topic of abortion, including sermons, articles and videos. The Gospel Coalition has also collated a series of blogs, talks, books and podcasts on the topic.
