CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

For what you believe
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James Mildred

James Mildred started working in politics in 2014. He moved to London to work for CARE that same year and also completed a two year church based training programme.

Pieces by James Mildred

Humza Yousaf

Is this the end for Humza Yousaf?

26 April 2024

Please note: this article reflects the author’s personal views. CARE is politically neutral.

Freedom of Speech
Michael gove conservative cabinet

Are you an extremist?

15 March 2024

This week in Parliament, the UK government has unveiled its updated definition of extremism. It is a response to the really troubling scenes we have seen in recent months, where openly antisemitic…

Hoyle superior

Gaza Debate Debacle was the worst of our politics. But there’s still hope

23 February 2024

What happened in the House of Commons during the afternoon of 21 February has been met with understandable shock and disappointment. Even if you’re not interested in politics, you’ll have picked up…

Religious Liberty
Nik shuliahin Bu N Wp1b L0nc unsplash

CARE Fact Check: Conversion Therapy Debate

8 December 2023

On Wednesday 6 December, a debate took place in Westminster Hall, with the following motion:

Jeremy Hunt - Chancellor

How the Autumn Statement exposed my selfishness

24 November 2023

This week saw the Autumn Statement in the House of Commons. CARE's James Mildred reflects on how the Statement exposed his own selfishness and explains some of the key biblical principles to…

Religious Liberty
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Conversion Therapy Bill published – how bad is it?

21 November 2023

This week, a bill to ban conversion therapy has been introduced at First Reading in the Lords by Lib Dem Peer Baroness Burt. It’s likely that there will be a second reading…

Police officers in high-viz jackets policing a demonstration

Have the police lost the plot over prayer?

27 October 2023

One of the many troubling aspects of the current conflict in Israel and Gaza is the impact it’s had on the streets here in Britain. Since the terrorist group Hamas launched its…

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How should we respond to the war in Israel and Gaza?

13 October 2023

The following article represents the views and thoughts of its author.

Religious Liberty
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Is the conversion therapy ban dead in the water?

15 September 2023

It’s been called one of the most dangerous policy proposals ever announced by any UK government. Loved by some, feared by others. First promised in 2018, but as yet, undelivered.

Freedom of Speech
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The new thought police?

11 August 2023

In this week's long read, we ask what Biblical wisdom can be applied to "hate speech" Do you ever worry that your social media presence is being watched, monitored and could mean…

Freedom of Speech
Coutts bank logo on glass

Coutts Bank, Nigel Farage and Free Speech

20 July 2023

This week saw Nigel Farage given an apology from the head of NatWest Banking Group after Coutts closed his account over his political views. In this long read, CARE's James Mildred explains…

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How to be hopeful when your mortgage goes up

23 June 2023

It’s been called the ‘cruelest tax of them all’. When it goes up, it puts lives at risk and steals jobs and homes from hard working citizens. It eats into savings. Right…

pregnant woman in red dress looks at pro-abortion signs

Should abortion ever be a criminal offence?

15 June 2023

This week saw Carla Foster, a 44-year old mum of three sent to prison for illegally procuring an abortion. During the first covid-19 lockdown, she lied during her telemedicine consultation and the…

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Analysis: sent to prison for having an abortion?

13 June 2023

What’s happened?

Assisted Suicide
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A response to Lord Carey on assisted suicide

1 June 2023

The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, has told MPs that legalising assisted suicide is "profoundly Christian". He wrote to them as the Health and Social Care Committee continues to take evidence…

Tim Keller

Tim Keller: 1950 – 2023

19 May 2023

News that Tim Keller, author of The Reason for God and countless other books, has passed away feels like the ending of an era.

Technology, Robotics, and AI
Artificial Intelligence

Will a robot take your job?

19 May 2023

This week, oil giant BP announced they were cutting 55,000 jobs by 2030. And the reason? A shift towards replacing humans with artificial intelligence (AI). It’s an example of what the former…

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What are the government’s gambling reform plans?

27 April 2023

The government has just released its long-overdue gambling reform plans. A white paper on suggested new policies was announced in parliament on Thursday by Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer. Press reports had abounded…

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Do you know what schools are teaching your children about gender?

31 March 2023

If you are a parent, imagine the following scenario. Let’s say your son has given some evidence of being distressed about their gender. He tells you he thinks he's a girl. You…

Religious Liberty
Kate Forbes

Will a Christian become First Minister of Scotland?

24 February 2023

DISCLAIMER: Please note that CARE is non-party political. We do not endorse or support any one political candidate over another. This article represents the views of its author and is not intended…

Miriam Cates MP

Thank God for Christian MPs

20 January 2023

At CARE, a considerable part of our work is to do with legislation. It’s nitty, gritty, technical stuff. There’s not only a whole language to learn (secondary legislation anyone? Order Papers?), but…

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The change we really need in 2023

6 January 2023

This week we’ve heard from the Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party, Rishi Sunak and from the Leader of His Majesty’s Opposition and Labour Party Leader, Sir Keir Starmer. Both…

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Qatar: should Christians boycott the World Cup?

25 November 2022

I still remember the first World Cup I watched. I was 11 years old, it was Japan 2002 and I distinctly recall watching David Beckham hammer home the penalty that saw England…

Religious Liberty
Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the UK

Rishi Sunak is a Hindu. Should that bother us?

28 October 2022

So, after failing to secure the leadership of the Conservative Party earlier this summer, Rishi Sunak is now the UK’s 57th Prime Minister. It is a remarkable turnaround. As my colleague Peter…

Liz Truss 2

Conservative Party Conference: What should we make of Liz Truss’ speech?

7 October 2022

After a bruising week, on Wednesday, the new prime minister addressed the Conservative party conference. Having admitted in an interview last Sunday that she should have “laid the ground better”, Liz Truss…

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The Billion Pound Drop — what’s going on?

30 September 2022

I was only a year old when Black Wednesday happened. Maybe you remember it better? It was on the 16th of September 1992 and the UK Government was forced to withdraw sterling…

Marriage and Family
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Government has a moral duty to act over energy price cap

26 August 2022

Today the regulator of the energy market, Ofgem, released new information about the energy price cap. The headline news is that the typical household energy bill could reach £3,549 from 1 October.…

Religious Liberty
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Looking ahead: Conversion Therapy Ban

25 August 2022

This is the third in our series looking ahead to a new Prime Minister from 5 September, a new government soon after and MPs and Peers coming back after summer recess. Read…

Online Safety
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Looking Ahead: Online Safety and Free Speech

18 August 2022

We’re continuing our mini-series looking at the key challenges facing the new Prime Minister and the government from 5-6 September when Parliament returns.

Marriage and Family
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Looking Ahead: Cost of Living

10 August 2022

On 5 September, the UK Parliament returns, and MPs and Peers will be back at work. We’ll also have a new Prime Minister and a new Government as well.

Human Trafficking
William Wilberforce

On this day 1834: The Slavery Abolition Act took effect

1 August 2022

On this day, 188 years ago, The Slavery Abolition Act finally took effect. It was the result of decades of persistent, patient, committed advocacy led by William Wilberforce. He and those who…

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Pray for the next Prime Minister

14 July 2022

The contest to become the next PM continues. As followers of Jesus, it’s critical that we pray about this process (1 Timothy 2:1-2). The Prime Minister sets the tone for the work…

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What have the leadership contenders said about Christianity?

13 July 2022

The contest to become the next leader of the Conservative Parliamentary Party and Prime Minister of the UK continues to gather pace. But have the candidates said about Christianity and their faith?…

Assisted Suicide
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Why MPs should speak against the Assisted Suicide Petition

1 July 2022

On Monday 4 July, in a Westminster Hall debate, MPs will debate a petition which calls on the UK Government to introduce assisted suicide legislation.

Pro-Life for the Whole Life sign outside US Supreme Court

Roe v Wade: At Least America is Still Debating Abortion

24 June 2022

Today, we read some staggering news from the United States. Justices on the US Supreme Court handed down a majority (6-3) opinion which overturns Roe v Wade, the 1973 ruling that made…

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UK church must wrestle with abortion

24 June 2022

Earlier this week, the Department of Health and Social Care released the latest abortion figures for England and Wales. In total, 214,869 abortions took place in 2021. This is the highest number…

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Challenging abortion requires understanding factors behind it

6 May 2022

This week, a leaked document suggested the US Supreme Court will overturn Roe v Wade, the controversial 1973 ruling that made abortion a legal right.

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What’s the Queen’s Speech all about?

3 May 2022

The Westminster Parliament has been officially ‘prorogued’ which is an old-fashioned term that means its come to an end.

Assisted Suicide
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Do new suicide statistics really suggest we should legalise assisted suicide?

21 April 2022

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released new figures on suicides among people diagnosed with severe health conditions. The key finding is that there’s an elevated risk of suicide one year…

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What is the public square’?

12 April 2022

It’s one of those classic phrases that organisations and individuals throw around all the time. ‘Let’s be in the public square’, they’ll say. ‘Let’s make sure we’re speaking into the public square’.…

Online Safety

5 ways online porn harms your child

16 March 2022

As a new generation grows up in a digital age, it remains incredibly easy for digitally literate children to access online porn. This challenge has only worsened during the Covid-19 pandemic, as…

Religious Liberty
Scottish parliament

Q&A: The Gender Recognition Act and Self ID

16 March 2022

In Scotland, the government has introduced a Bill that aims to change how a person can legally change gender. It's already promoted a strong backlash from campaigners. But what's being proposed and…

Online Safety
Age verification phone

Parents and Grandparents welcome age checks for online porn

9 February 2022

On Safer Internet Day 2022, the UK Government said it would strengthen the Online Safety Bill to bring all pornographic websites into scope. A new legal requirement will mean porn sites will…

Care placeholder purple

Party Gate’: how can we respond?

14 January 2022

Standards in public life matter. Those who occupy positions of power and authority carry a greater weight of responsibility to uphold those standards. Both of these statements should be uncontroversial. But when…

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Discover 4 ways to engage with culture at a national level

26 November 2021

It’s the million-pound question. You’re in total agreement that Christians should engage with culture. But what you want to know is how? Here are four practical ways you can take action.

Human Trafficking
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Nationality and Borders Bill: Firm but Not Fair.

17 November 2021

The UK Government has said that it’s new plan for Immigration which is now largely included in its Nationality and Borders Bill is ‘firm, but fair’.

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How can we respond to 54 years of the Abortion Act and 9.7 million abortions?

28 October 2021

When you work in public policy at CARE, you get used to dealing with huge numbers. Whether it’s the estimated number of confirmed modern slavery victims, or the numbers of people in…

Assisted Suicide
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Peers should reject the Assisted Dying Bill

18 October 2021

You can watch the Assisted Dying Debate on the Parliament website.

Assisted Suicide
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Another assisted suicide bill — here’s what you can do

24 May 2021

Another assisted suicide Bill has been brought forward in the House of Lords by Baroness Meacher. It aims to change the law to mean patients with months left to live and a…

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How do we respond to Richard Dawkins’ views on Down’s syndrome?

20 May 2021

Richard Dawkins has done it again. He’s gone and said something controversial.


The law must stop discriminating against people with Down’s syndrome — this case could change that

4 May 2021

A law that tells people with disabilities that their lives are not worth living should never have found its way onto the statute books. This case, challenging Britain's discriminatory abortion law, could…

Microsoft Teams image 2

Why all pregnant women should be concerned about a change to Britain’s abortion laws

9 April 2021

It’s no secret that the abortion lobby want to change our abortion laws in Britain. However, what many people don’t know is that the change they are seeking won’t just affect women…

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Should we extend the right to die’? A response to Peter Singer

9 April 2021

Pro euthanasia activist Peter Singer has written an article on extending ‘the right to die’. Citing countries like Canada, where assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia has been legal since 2016, and also…

Personhood Web

Why decriminalising abortion will erase the humanity of preborn babies for good

23 March 2021

‘Abortion is the intentional killing of a human being.’

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People with Down’s syndrome are telling us how our abortion laws make them feel. Let’s start listening.

19 March 2021

Today is World Down’s syndrome Day, and it couldn’t be a better time to build awareness around this subject.

Lateterm T

Abortion up to Birth: The Next Goal for the Abortion Lobby?

5 March 2021

What do those campaigning for the decriminalisation of abortion really want? The answer is abortion available right up to birth for any and every circumstance.


The truth about Northern Ireland’s abortion law

22 January 2021

Last year, Westminster imposed new abortion laws on Northern Ireland, overturning the previous, life-protecting law and replacing it with laws even more extreme than in Great Britain.

Marriage and Family
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Here’s how Sir Keir Starmer can put families first

11 January 2021

Writing for the Sunday Telegraph, Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, said he wanted Labour to 'be the party of the family'. He was sharply critical of the current…

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Will you stand with us in 2021?

22 December 2020

The work of CARE depends entirely upon the generosity of our incredible supporters. Our mission is to bring a significant Christian influence to laws and policies that impact all our lives. We…

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Christmas isn’t really cancelled

21 December 2020

By now you’ll know the Government has changed the law on what we’re allowed to do over Christmas. For all of us, December 25 will feel very different. Even if you’re still…

Marriage and Family
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Was lockdown good or bad for marriages?

8 December 2020

Many of us have felt the effects of long days cooped up together with our families and housemates during lockdown. Shared workspaces (also known as the dining table); trying to source wildly-entertaining-yet-educational…


Any Further Delays to the Review of Gambling Laws Will Cost Lives

1 December 2020

In its 2019 General Election Manifest, the Conservatives promised to hold a review of the 2005 Gambling Act. This would be the first step towards changing the law. The promise of a…


In a world without abortion, how would society cope with all the extra lives?

24 November 2020

“Without easy access to abortion, society would not be able to cope with all the additional lives being born. There are already too many unwanted children in the UK, so without abortion…


5 Reasons Christians Should Influence Governments

18 November 2020

Rightly understood, I think the Bible teaches us that Christians should aim for a significant influence on government. In recent months, the obvious engagement of churches with media and through open letters…

Marie Stopes House

Marie Stopes International Can Change Its Name, But It Can’t Erase The Past

17 November 2020

In the gospels, Jesus talked about how pointless it is to try and repair broken wine skins. His point was that the human heart needs something more radical than a superficial veneer…

Religious Liberty
Policeman 9

Prosecuted for what you say in your own home?

28 October 2020

The Scottish Government wants to prosecute you for what you say in the privacy of your own home. That's the logical conclusion after the Cabinet Secretary for Justice appeared before the Justice…

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He knows their names: 9.5 million lives never forgotten

27 October 2020

It's 53 years since the Abortion Act 1967 received Royal Assent and became law. 9.5 million abortions later, and it's easy to feel hopeless at how cheap life has become in our…

Assisted Suicide
Euthanasia 0 2e

Euthanasia for children?

16 October 2020

Some of you might be able to stomach the idea of euthanasia for consenting adults. After all, an adult knows what he or she wants. And there’s the world of difference between…

Assisted Suicide
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What should we make of the British Medical Association Poll on Assisted Suicide?

13 October 2020

Last week, the British Medical Association (BMA) published the results of its poll of members’ views on assisted suicide. The survey was carried out in February this year and was conducted by…

Marriage and Family
Brooke cagle o Mt XG Nw4 Z Es unsplash

Why marriage makes a more satisfying relationship

24 August 2020

What makes a satisfying relationship? A recent study sought to answer this question.

Assisted Suicide
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MP’s four year’ prediction is a wake up call about assisted suicide

24 August 2020

“The exper­i­ence of death is going to get more and more pain­ful, con­trary to what many people believe. The forth­com­ing euthanas­ia will make it more rather than less pain­ful because it will…

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10 essential pro life resources

14 August 2020

Want to engage in a loving and logical manner on the issue of abortion? Keen to equip yourself better on the Christian response to ethical issues like assisted suicide? Here are ten…

Religious Liberty
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CARE’s View on the Scottish Hate Crime Bill

12 August 2020

There’s been considerable angst in Scotland over the Scottish Government’s new Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill. Introduced in the Parliament on 23rd of April, it’s been heavily criticised by lawyers,…

Prolife T

3 Reasons Why I’m a Pro-Life Woman

29 July 2020

Contrary to popular opinion, it’s possible to be a young woman who cares deeply about women’s equality, and yet also believe that abortion is morally unjust and fundamentally in opposition to this…

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The Father Heart of God: Reflecting on abortion law in Northern Ireland

28 July 2020

“As a young woman, I felt deeply impacted by what happened on that day.”

Newborn baby mother 1

No abortion amendments to the DAB and your help made all the difference

6 July 2020

It would be easy to miss the significance of what happened last night in the House of Commons in respect to the Domestic Abuse Bill. For one thing, a vital piece of…

Abortion heart 1i

Watch CARE’s response as Westminster imposes abortion laws on Northern Ireland

19 June 2020

On Wednesday, MPs at Westminster voted for the UK Government's Northern Ireland Abortion Regulations by 253 to 136. It followed an earlier vote on Monday when Members of the House of Lords…

The CARE logo with backdrop of Big Ben and Westminster

Why is it important for Christians to engage in the public square?

10 June 2020

At CARE, we're passionate about seeing God's church confidently engaging in the public square.

National Marriage Week 2020
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How the coronavirus ruined my wedding

6 May 2020

Everything was going so well. We’d sorted out the venue, the caterers, the photographer and we’d booked the church for the service. We’d emailed invites to everyone (saving on paper costs and…

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52 years of the Abortion Act

29 April 2020

It might have just passed you by. It’s not as if the mainstream media would cover it. Not the sort of thing you’d expect to see on the 6 o’clock or 10…

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Abortion in Northern Ireland: How will the new law work?

31 March 2020

The Government have published their new legal framework for abortion services in Northern Ireland. But what exactly will this mean in practice?

Human Trafficking
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Modern Slavery Act: five years on

26 March 2020

Today is the fifth anniversary of the Modern Slavery Act, a landmark piece of legislation which received Royal Assent on 26 March 2015.

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Coronavirus: how to stay calm, connected and encouraged

18 March 2020

During this period of increased isolation, many of us will be wondering how we can continue connecting as church communities and stay strong together. As the anxiety and fear swells around us,…

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Pro-choice tweet reveals truth about abortion debate

9 March 2020

When those with pro-choice beliefs are intellectually honest, a real conversation about abortion can begin, says CARE's Naomi Marsden.

Assisted Suicide
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Why the BMA should remain opposed to assisted suicide

11 February 2020

The British Medical Association (BMA) is currently consulting its members on the issue of assisted suicide and what the position of the BMA on the issue should be. The poll will close…

Assisted Suicide
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Canada is a showcase for the slippery slope of assisted suicide

29 January 2020

Canada has yet again demonstrated how so-called 'safeguards' around assisted suicide laws are incrementally eroded.

Religious Liberty
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This Red Wednesday, let’s remember the importance of religious liberty

27 November 2019

If you walk the streets of London today, you may notice that notable landmarks are lit up in the colour red.

Assisted Suicide
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Understanding our opponents: what are the key arguments for assisted suicide?

28 October 2019

In any campaign, it is always important to properly understand the arguments advanced by those you oppose. In this three-part series, we’ll look at the main arguments put forward by advocates of…

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What hope is there now for women and babies in Northern Ireland?

22 October 2019

Today, October 22, the law on abortion shifts dramatically in Northern Ireland. Like you, we are heartbroken by this news.

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Concerning new abortion guidelines show little care for women

26 September 2019

New guidelines on termination of pregnancy, released today by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence), make concerning recommendations which potentially rush women through the abortion process.

Assisted Suicide
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Dutch Doctor case should scare us all

25 September 2019

In the Netherlands, debates about euthanasia have been going on since the 1970s. In 2002, euthanasia and physician assisted suicide were legalsied in specific circumstances. There’s been a few changes to the…

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Northern Ireland is no longer safe for disabled people

6 September 2019

As of 22 October, unless the Northern Ireland Assembly reforms, the lives of preborn disabled people hang in the balance.

Commercial Sexual Exploitation
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Is the Scottish Government paving the way to make buying sex illegal?

5 September 2019

On Tuesday, the Scottish Government announced its Programme for Government where it sets out its legislative agenda for 2019/20.

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Problem gambling: a product of ideology?

4 September 2019

Yesterday the Select Committee on the Social and Economic Impact of the Gambling Industry heard evidence about who should take responsibility for preventing problem gambling, and whether the existing legislation regulating the…

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The threat to the value of life in NI has never been greater

8 August 2019

Unless the Northern Ireland Assembly is restored by 21 October 2019, an extreme abortion regime will be introduced in Northern Ireland, after MPs and Peers backed amendments which will introduce widespread access…

Marriage and Family
Birthrates 4

The birth rate is now the lowest since records began: what’s behind this trend?

6 August 2019

Last week the Office for National Statistics published the latest stats on birth rates in England and Wales. Their findings show that in 2018 the total fertility rate fell from 1.76 to…

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A dark day for Northern Ireland on abortion

9 July 2019

Today MPs voted 332-99 in favour of an amendment which will radically alter Northern Ireland’s current law on abortion.

Assisted Suicide
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The risks of legalising assisted suicide are simply too great

4 July 2019

MPs will again debate assisted suicide today during a backbench business debate. The debate won’t change the law and there won’t be a vote, but it will provide an opportunity for the…

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Are public attitudes to abortion really becoming more relaxed?

2 July 2019

Today on the Victoria Derbyshire show, the BBC claimed that attitudes to abortion are changing in Great Britain, citing You Gov polling that showed that 53% of the public want to see…


Let’s end the culture of silence in our churches over abortion

19 June 2019

A few years ago, my church ran a sermon series on the Ten Commandments. I’ve sat through many sermons on this topic before, but usually the commandment ‘you shall not kill’ is…