CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Online Safety
Laptop with the lid half closed

1 in 5 UK teens watch porn frequently

14 March 2023

One in five UK schoolchildren watch internet porn frequently and some are addicted, a major new study shows.

Human Trafficking
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Illegal Migration Bill will harm modern slavery victims MPs warn

14 March 2023

The Illegal Migration Bill, the UK Government’s flagship legislation to stop small boats crossing the English Channel, will undermine efforts to rescue and support modern slavery victims, MPs warned yesterday.

Trans girl

Welsh teachers encouraged to teach inappropriate sex education in schools

13 March 2023

The Welsh Government have promoted a sex education resource for schools which teaches that children as young as seven might be a “mixed berry gender fluid muffin”, according to the Telegraph.

Freedom of Speech
Police Officer Course 0

Police will be told to prioritise free speech in new hate incident” guidance

13 March 2023

Police officers in England and Wales will have to prioritise freedom of speech when considering so-called "hate incidents" under new rules.

Marriage and Family
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Marriage is between a man and a woman and should be championed — MP

9 March 2023

Marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman and it should be promoted as a societal good, a Conservative MP has said.

Marriage and Family
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UK Government orders review of sex education teaching in English schools

8 March 2023

The government has announced a review of sex education in schools, following serious concerns about age inappropriate content.

News from all causes

Abortion Online Safety Gambling Marriage and Family Commercial Sexual Exploitation Assisted Suicide Human Trafficking Religious Liberty Technology, Robotics, and AI Freedom of Speech Transgender

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