CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Human Trafficking
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Former PM attacks Govt’s Illegal Migration Bill saying it allows slave drivers to make more money out of human misery’.

12 July 2023

Former Prime Minister, and advocate for modern slavery victims has criticised the Government on its Illegal Migration Bill and its limited protection for victims of modern slavery.

Marriage and Family
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Press release: Reforming tax rules to help families is vital, says CARE

11 July 2023

A new report calling for family tax reform has been welcomed by CARE, which has spearheaded calls for change for more than a decade.

Assisted Suicide
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Canadian army-veterans diagnosed with PTSD offered euthanasia

10 July 2023

Canadian veterans who have been diagnosed with PTSD as a result of serving in Afghanistan have been offered assisted suicide as a cure for their mental health problems.

Technology, Robotics, and AI
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AI bot plays role in encouraging man to attempt murder of the late Queen

6 July 2023

A 21-year-old man who attempted to assassinate Queen Elizabeth II with a crossbow was encouraged by a computer-programmed chatbot which he believed to be in a relationship with.

Assisted Suicide
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Assisted suicide campaigners want to liberalise laws which haven’t even been passed yet

6 July 2023

Advocates of introducing assisted suicide have shown their true colours by wanting to liberalise laws which are still merely on their first reading.

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Mermaids loses in attempt to strip charitable status from gender-critical organisation

6 July 2023

Mermaids, a controversial charity which advocates for ‘affirming care’ for children who identify as transgender has lost in an unprecedented legal battle to remove a gender-critical charity of its charitable status.

News from all causes

Abortion Online Safety Gambling Marriage and Family Commercial Sexual Exploitation Assisted Suicide Human Trafficking Religious Liberty Technology, Robotics, and AI Freedom of Speech Transgender

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