Journalist’s view on transgender issues censored

Trans girl

Hadley Freeman, a former Guardian journalist, says an “atmosphere of fear” governs the Guardian’s approach to covering transgender issues.

Freeman claims the newspaper censored her views on women’s rights after she was “specifically told by upper management” not to write about gender issues.

In an interview on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, Freeman stated, “I was told I wasn’t to write about gender, and that actually women shouldn’t write about gender...”

The journalist said that her managers believed women should not write about gender, “because it gets too much of a kickback on social media", and that it is better male reporters cover these issues.

Freeman added: “I know of multiple reporters who asked if they could interview gender-critical campaigners … I asked about interviewing JK Rowling and Martina Navratilova, and we were all told ‘no’.”

She also stated, “It’s not just The Guardian. This has happened at a lot of progressive places, this feeling of fear that we can’t stand up against some of the claims that gender activists make.”
