
13-fold rise in trans surgeries on US children

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The number of transgender surgeries being carried out on American children has risen 13-fold in the last decade, a study suggests.

Researchers analysed data on masectomies - where girls have their breasts removed - in a major Californian health system since 2013.

Data shows that Californian girls as young as 12 were offered these irreversible operations. According to the Mail Online:

"The overall incidence of mastectomies among children rose from 3.7 per 100,000 persons-years to 47.7 per 100,000 in that time."

"Of the 209 patients who had the surgery between 2013 and 2020, 10 were aged 12 or 13. The median age of referral was 16 years.

"The majority had a history of mental illness — around 60% had anxiety and/or depression, and 11% had history of an eating disorder."

Whilst thisstudy only applies to California, another study found chest reconstruction surgeries had surged five-fold across the US.

Data is not properly recorded at the federal level, meaning it is hard to quantify what is happening on the grand scale.

Transgender Trend calls for evidence-based treatment of children with gender dysphoria and the end to ‘gender identity’ lessons in schools.

It states: "Since children have been taught that the criteria for being a ‘boy’ or being a ‘girl’ is their ‘gender identity’ and not their sex, it is predominantly girls who are taking the opportunity to ‘change sex."

The group notes an alarming "rise of over 4,000% in referrals to the Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) over the past eight years of girls who develop gender dysphoria at or after puberty".

"Gender dysphoria is the latest and most extreme expression of body hatred and rejection and it is the causes and the solutions to that problem that this government must urgently address; the solution is not for girls to become boys", it concludes.



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