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  1. Scan 2g
    CARE for Scotland statement on Holyrood 'buffer zones' legislation

    Freedom of Speech

  2. Demonstration of free speech
    University free speech legislation becomes law

    Freedom of Speech

  1. Police Officer Course 0
    Police will be told to prioritise free speech in new "hate incident" guidance

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  1. Parliament backs nationwide buffer zones

    Freedom of Speech

  1. Freestocks org 70276 unsplash m
    Abortion Buffer Zones moves a step closer

    Freedom of Speech

  1. University 0
    University free speech law watered down

    Freedom of Speech

  2. University 0
    Academics urge UK government not to U-turn on free speech entitlements

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    Half of UK unis don't have debating societies

    Freedom of Speech

  1. Online Safety 28p429 Resources 0 4
    Civil liberties groups urge overhaul of Online Safety Bill

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  2. Edinburgh skyline
    Scottish tour guides ordered not use 'gendered language' like 'mum' and 'dad'

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  3. Megaphone juliana romao P7r Vu Q19 OCY unsplash
    Free speech concern after republican arrests

    Freedom of Speech