Freedom of Speech

Teacher faces dismissal over refusal to teach LGBT material

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A teacher from a Church of England school in south London is facing a 'fitness to practice' hearing after refusing to teach LGBT material, because it conflicts with her religious beliefs.

Glawdys Leger, 43, was sacked from her post teaching foreign languages at Bishop Justus CofE school last May.

She told pupils she thought LGBT practices are 'sinful' and humans are born male or female.

Ms Leger faces being banned from teaching after she was reported to the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) because she'd allegedly upset a pupil.

She told Mail Online:

The impact of what has happened to me has taken a great toll on me. The thought of me losing my career for expressing my Christian beliefs in response to questions from students is heartbreaking. I was treated like a criminal and as though I was a danger for expressing my Christian beliefs.
Glawdys Leger

She went on to add:

I have great compassion for LGBT people, especially for those suffering from gender confusion. I cannot, however, in good conscience teach or say things I believe are contrary to my faith, for example saying that same sex sexual relationships are good and/or affirming people in their gender confusion.
Glawdys Leger


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