Freedom of Speech

Football fan has membership suspended over gender critical tweets

X twitter

Newcastle United fan has her membership suspended over gender critical tweets.

The 34-year-old was interviewed under caution by the police after she received complaints over a number of personal tweets on her X profile.

One tweet read: “Just your daily reminder that trans women are men.”

Another read: “This period of time where people are mutilating children will be looked back in history with disgust. I’ll be able to say I never agreed with this.”

The club have said that when any member becomes under police investigation, it is “standard practice” for a membership to be suspended.

The club confirmed that the members alleged offence “contravenes our ground regulations”.

The woman, who does not wish to be identified, said that the suspension came as a shock to her as she was unaware that she was under police investigation.

“I didn’t have a clue what I was being investigated for”, she said, until Forth Banks Police Station invited her in for a voluntary interview in relation to “malicious communications” over several posts on X.

The police investigation has now stopped but the supporters’ membership – which she pays £37 per annum – has yet to be reinstated.

In the meantime, she has missed out on a number of games which she had “looked forward to”.

She felt the decision to suspend her was unfair and had made the ordeal of the police interview worse.


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