CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
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Illegal Migration Bill to become law

20 July 2023

The UK Government's 'stop the boats' bill is set to become law after the government defeated last minute attempts to change it.

Human Trafficking
T Heresa May 0 7

Former PM attacks Govt’s Illegal Migration Bill saying it allows slave drivers to make more money out of human misery’.

12 July 2023

Former Prime Minister, and advocate for modern slavery victims has criticised the Government on its Illegal Migration Bill and its limited protection for victims of modern slavery.

Human Trafficking
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CARE warns Govt overlooking impact of small boats plans on modern slavery victims

29 June 2023

Campaigners have criticised the government for failing to consider how its small boats bill will impact victims of modern slavery.

Human Trafficking
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Read Ross’ letter on the Illegal Migration Bill

15 May 2023

Last week, Members of the House of Lords debated the Illegal Migration Bill at second reading. Following the debate, CARE's CEO, Ross Hendry, had the following letter published in the Telegraph.

Human Trafficking
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Record number of potential modern slavery victims in England and Wales

5 May 2023

The number of people thought to be victims of modern slavery has reached a record high in England and Wales, official statistics show.

Human Trafficking
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Press release: Small boats bill threatens modern slavery victims in Scotland

25 April 2023

The UK Government's small boats bill poses a threat to modern slavery victims in Scotland, CARE for Scotland has warned.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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