CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Slavery Abolition Act anniversary marked

Human Trafficking
1 August 2023
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Speaking on the anniversary of the Slavery Abolition Act coming into force on 1 August 1834 Ross Hendry, CEO of Christian charity CARE, said:

“On the first of August 1834, the Slavery Abolition Act took effect. This momentous legislation came after a long-running and tireless campaign involving William Wilberforce, Granville Sharp, John Newton, Olaudah Equiano, Mary Prince, and many other brave people.

“Many of the key figures in the abolition movement were motivated by their Christian faith, which holds that all men and women are created equal in the image of God. They believed it was right to fight on, regardless of opposition, demonstrating true moral courage, and providing a lasting example.

“As we remember the tireless efforts to end the incalculable evil of slavery in past centuries, it is important to stress that this evil is by no means conquered. The scourge of modern slavery continues to affect millions globally, and blight the lives of men, women, and children in the UK.

“It is deeply regrettable that the government’s Illegal Migration Act undermined modern slavery protections at a time when much greater efforts are required to stop those who exploit human beings in our society. We urge reform to improve modern slavery protections.”


Christian Action Research and Education (CARE) provides analysis of social policy from a Christian perspective. CARE worked with politicians across the political spectrum to see modern slavery legislation established in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

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