CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

For what you believe
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Recent news

Assisted Suicide
Doctor and stethoscope in hand

Royal College of Surgeons votes to drop opposition to assisted suicide

19 June 2023

As debate around assisted suicide continues to develop, the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS England) has voted to drop its opposition and to adopt a neutral position.

Freedom of Speech
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CARE for Scotland statement on Holyrood buffer zones’ legislation

15 June 2023

Today, Scottish Green MSP Gillian Mackay lodged a bill in the Scottish Parliament to ban pro-life activity outside abortion clinics.

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Guardian bans gambling advertisements across all its global platforms

15 June 2023

In an act to deter the pervasive nature of targeted digital advertising, the Guardian has today announced that it will no longer allow gambling advertisements across any of its global platforms.

Marriage and Family
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Mother loses campaign to have RSE materials released

14 June 2023

In a case that was brought to the courts, a mother has lost her campaign for a school to share sex education materials taught in her daughter’s lesson.

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Press release: Dangerous pills-by-post’ abortion scheme must end

13 June 2023

A controversial ‘pills-by-post’ abortion scheme introduced during the pandemic is harming women and must be revoked, CARE has said.

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4‑year olds in Scotland allowed to change gender at school

12 June 2023

The Scottish Government has drawn up new LGBT inclusivity guidance which allows children as young as four to change their name and gender at school without their parents’ consent.

News from all causes

Abortion Online Safety Gambling Marriage and Family Commercial Sexual Exploitation Assisted Suicide Human Trafficking Religious Liberty Technology, Robotics, and AI Freedom of Speech Transgender

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