CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Consultation opens on abortion clinic 'exclusion zones'

12 December 2023
Abortion heart 1i

The UK Government has launched a public consultation on plans to introduce so called 'buffer zones' around abortion facilities in England and Wales.

During the passage of the Public Order Act 2023 last year, Parliament voted to introduce new legislation which stops pro-life vigils happening within 150 metres of an abortion clinic or hospital where abortions take place.

The purpose of the consultation is to ensure the new 'Safe Access Zones' are 'implemented effectively'. The plan is for the new zones to be in place from Spring 2024 and the consultation will run for 6 weeks, finishing in the New Year.

In Scotland, the Scottish Government are currently consulting on similar proposals. And in Northern Ireland, buffer zones came into force in September this year.

When parliament was debating buffer zones, CARE warned that the policy could endanger fundamental freedoms. The charity said in official responses and briefings that while it opposed any genuine harassment, the majority of vigils are peaceful.

In recent months, police forces have been strongly criticised for arresting people for silent prayer outside abortion clinics.

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In any pregnancy, both the woman and preborn baby have inherent value and dignity, by virtue of being made in the image of God. CARE is passionately pro-woman and pro-life.

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