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Exclusion zones to be introduced outside Northern Ireland abortion clinics this Friday

27 September 2023
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From Friday, abortion clinics across Northern Ireland will be subject to exclusion zones.

The “safe access zones” are designed to deter anti-abortion protesters from operating outside abortion clinics.

Stormont passed the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Act (Northern Ireland) 2023 last year after delays from an intervention from the Attorney General.

According to a statement from the Attorney General’s office, the delay was due to concerns related to whether offences created by the Bill were a “proportionate interference with the rights of those who wish to express opposition to abortion services in Northern Ireland.”

This has since been satisfied by the Supreme Court.

The legislation, now passed, would make it illegal for people to be “impeded, recorded, influenced or to be caused harassment, alarm or distress” within the designated areas.

Clarified by the Department of Health, these zones include the premises in which abortions, and other related services are provided, and all public space between 100m and 250m from the entrance or exit.

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