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Christian Councillor suspended over Pride Tweet

Freedom of Speech
18 July 2023
King lawal

A Christian councillor has been suspended by the Conservative Party after posting a tweet criticizing LGBTQ Pride events.

King Lawal, a councillor at North Northamptonshire Unitary Council for the last two years, tweeted: ‘When did Pride become a thing to celebrate. Because of pride, Satan fell as an arch Angel. Pride is not a virtue but a sin. Those who have pride should repent of their sins and return to Jesus Christ. He can save you. #PrideMonth #Pride23

The comments were posted alongside an image with a verse from Isaiah 3:9 which says: “Whatever God calls sin is nothing to be proud of.”

After a twitter backlash, councillor Lawal issued a statement in which he denied it was hateful to refer to Pride as sin.

But the local branch of the Conservative Party has suspended him, pending an investigation involving Conservative Headquarters.

He has also been warned of a possible police investigation.

Commenting, CARE’s Director of Communications and Engagement, James Mildred, said: “Sadly, this case is another chilling example of how Christians can be cancelled for expressing orthodox, long-held views on human sexuality. As a society we’ve forgotten how to hold different views from each other and yet respect one another and disagree well. We urge that true justice is done in this case and Mr Lawal is reinstated.”

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