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Half of UK unis don't have debating societies

Freedom of Speech
12 October 2022
University 0

Almost half of UK universities in the don't have a student debating society, a new report shows, stoking fears that free speech is in decline.

Research by the think tank Civitas found that just 79 out of 140 universities surveyed have a free speech, debating, or libertarian society.

A separate report showed universities that do have such groups, students must follow onerous vetting rules for ‘controversial speakers’.

Earlier analysis by the KCL Policy Institute found just two thirds of students think "free speech and robust debate are well protected".

A survey carried out by the group found one in four had “often” heard of incidents where free speech had been inhibited.

Half of students believe that those with conservative views are reluctant to express them at their university.

Those with Left-wing views also said that they increasingly feel more fearful about expressing their opinions in the university context.

Speaking last year, CARE's Director of Comms and Engagement James Mildred underlined the central importance of free speech in education:

“A robust defence of free speech is necessary in our culture where opinions that are not in the mainstream are increasingly marginalised and silenced. Christians are often at the business end of moves to ‘cancel’ and ‘no-platform’ students. Universities must return to their historic tradition of fostering broad, open debate.”

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Freedom of Speech

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