CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

For what you believe
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Will you stand with us in 2021?

James Mildred

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The work of CARE depends entirely upon the generosity of our incredible supporters. Our mission is to bring a significant Christian influence to laws and policies that impact all our lives. We do so because we think God’s ways for human flourishing are the very best. Through briefings, meetings and networking we aim for positive change in a wide variety of areas.

As 2021 begins, there are some major challenges on the horizon, and some key opportunities as well. Without your ongoing support, how can we hope to meet them? CARE’s work is powered by prayer and the financial partnership we enjoy with many of you. Each new challenge is an opportunity to be salt and light and to speak God’s truth into the public square.

Cel­eb­rat­ing 50 years since the Nation­wide Fest­iv­al of Light

This year is significant not just because of the challenges we face, but also because of a special anniversary. 50 years ago, the Nationwide Festival of Light held a public demonstration in Trafalgar Square. Christians came together to raise their voices about some alarming changes in society. Out of that, CARE was born in 1983. Our tactics and approach might have shifted since back then, but our values remain the same.

Over 2021 we’re planning some key events to mark this anniversary which speaks of God’s abundant goodness and grace.

Here’s what we’ll be doing in 2021

In terms of what we’re going to be doing in 2021, our work is often varied and we need to respond, often quickly, to sudden developments. But there are some key priorities for us.

Firstly, we will continue to engage with hate crime legislation, carefully scrutinising it to ensure it doesn’t undermine gospel freedoms.

Secondly, we will make the case for positive change when it comes to abortion. We want to see laws that protect pre-born babies and support mum’s.

Thirdly, we will resist any attempt to legalise assisted suicide and champion proper, long-term support and palliative care.

Fourthly, we will not stop campaigning for age verification to online pornography and we will engage with the Government’s new online harms bill.

Fifthly, the UK Government’s gambling law review is an opportunity to change the law for the better. We will engage constructively and propose changes that prioritise the protection of vulnerable people from gambling related harms.

Sixthly, we will do all we can to contribute to the global effort to eradicate modern slavery and we will champion long-term support for victims.

Seven, we will promote pro-family policies and through our tax research make the case for an income tax system that takes account of families.

Eight, we will support any and all attempts to change the law in Scotland, England and Wales to make buying sex illegal.

Nine, we will equip the church to engage with emerging technologies, especially robotics and artificial intelligence.

Ten, we will continue to invest in our highly-respected Leadership Programme to train and equip a new generation to make an impact for Christ in the public square.

Here’s how you can stand with us

All of this requires planning and hard work. We are a small team, working across multiple areas, seeking to influence laws and policies. As we enter 2021, will you stand with us? There are three easy ways to do so.

  1. Pray with us.
  2. Connect with us by following us on social media, signing up for Impact Direct, our regular, weekly email
  3. Give to our work financially. The easiest way to do so is online.

2020 in review

In the last CAREcast of 2020, James and Naomi reviewed the extraordinary developments of the last 12 months.

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