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15 pro-life MPs lost seats in recent election

11 July 2024

Over a dozen pro-life MPs lost their seats in the recent general election, raising concerns about the future of abortion legislation.

Fifteen Tory MPs, known for their stance against abortion, were unseated, including prominent figures like Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, Maria Caulfield, Fiona Bruce, Liam Fox, and Miriam Cates.

Despite the losses, 10 pro-life MPs retained their seats, including Labour MP Mary Glindon and DUP MP Carla Lockhart.

Heidi Stewart, the Chief Executive of British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) has said that the new parliament could be the most pro-abortion rights in history.

The snap election called by Rishi Sunak disrupted plans to decriminalise abortion. Cross-party MPs had proposed amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill to decriminalise abortion, but the election led to the cancellation of the vote.

In the UK, abortions are legally permitted within the first 24 weeks of pregnancy but require approval from two doctors.

Records indicate that former Prime Minister Sunak and senior government members have consistently opposed measures to expand abortion access.

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