Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

A better story

Into creation God built every technological possibility that could ever be devised. Artificial Intelligence is just the latest example of this. 

We want to see a society where innovation, knowledge and creativity are encouraged, but never to the detriment of people and the environment in which we live.

CARE is exploring the theological, social and practical implications of these advances, and to ensuring that new technologies are wisely regulated.


John Lennox
John Lennox Mathemetician and Theologian
The real risk with AI isn’t malice but com­pet­ence. A super-intel­li­gent AI will be extremely good at accom­plish­ing its goals, and if those goals aren’t aligned with ours we’re in trouble.

The Robots are Coming

In an age of ever increasing technological change, theologian Nigel Cameron has written this short book in collaboration with CARE, examining what these developments might mean for us as Christians. 

In the quest 'to make robots human' , what is beneficial to us and what is dangerous? What does it mean to be human in the twenty-first century?

To buy a copy for just £4.99, contact CARE at


God & My Mobile

At a time when smartphones are revolutionising the way we walk through life, theologian Nigel Cameron has written this short book in collaboration with CARE to unpack the theological implications of new technologies.

Should we let our children go on social media? How do phones impact family life? And what should be the government's role in regulating them?

To buy a copy for just £4.99, contact CARE at


News about Artificial Intelligence

  1. Chatbot AI phone tech
    AI arms race risks amplifying dangers of superintelligence, experts warn

    Artificial Intelligence

  1. Open AI Microsoft
    OpenAI researchers warned execs that Project Q* had the power to 'endanger humanity'

    Artificial Intelligence

  2. Stock exchange
    Yuval Noah Harari says AI has potential to cause 'catastrophic' financial crisis

    Artificial Intelligence

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