CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Human Trafficking
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Human Trafficking
Map of Ukraine with flag

Women refugees at risk under Homes for Ukraine scheme

4 May 2022

Ukrainian women are at risk of harm due to problems with the UK Government's Homes for Ukraine scheme, an investigation by the BBC has found.

Human Trafficking
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Over 100 major companies falling short in modern slavery practices

27 April 2022

A report from the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), reveals that more than 100 major UK companies do not have suitable modern slavery policies.

Human Trafficking
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Modern Slavery victim support amendment rejected by MPs

21 April 2022

Late yesterday in the House of Commons, MPs rejected an amendment to the Nationality and Borders Bill which would give confirmed modern slavery victims 12 months tailored support.

Human Trafficking
Flickr Eflon Woman Tunnel 0 0

UK urged to stop matching Ukraine women with single men

13 April 2022

The United Nations has urged the UK Government to ensure that Ukrainian women refugees are not matched with single men, citing fears of sexual exploitation.

Human Trafficking
UN HQ unsplash

UK warns UN Security Council about Ukraine trafficking threat

12 April 2022

The UK's delegate on the United Nations Security Council has warned that Ukrainian women and children face an increased risk of exploitation by criminals as they flee the conflict in their country.

Human Trafficking
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Concern over lack of modern slavery prosecutions

4 April 2022

CARE has expressed concern over a lack of modern slavery prosecutions in the UK, as it emerged less than 200 have taken place under the Modern Slavery Act since 2016.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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